Early screenshots of my first person shooter

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Post by c_olin3404 »

Maybe you guys can help me name it, since I am terrible at naming things.

Any ideas?

My ideas are (terrible):

xstatic (lol)
iTek (?makes no sense?)
NarcotikFPS (No, I'm not addicted)
Ef-p-Es (lol)
weaselFPS (lol again)
CPS (Cool-person-shooter)

lol, ignoring those ideas, what would some of you guys suggest?

Post by Guest »

- In the Front Sight
- Without rules
- YAFG (Yet another FPS game)

you like it?
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Post by Tyn »

Think of some weak story line then try and make some clever play on words to go with it:

Example: Half Life :D
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Post by Phreak »

It looks like its a Word War II FPS, or some sort of war FPS. Hopefully some of these may be ok (depending on your story line):

Approach with Caution (AwC for short :P)
True Landing
Armed and Ready (AnR for short :P)
The Reinforcements
Enemy at the Beach (?)

And If its just a game of random wars you fight, maybe "War Diary"

Need any other creative help? (Since Irrlicht programming isn't my strongest point...)

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Post by afecelis »

hi C_olin, I know what you mean about searching in the posts as well as in the file but I can assure there's no reference in my CDirectX8Texture.cpp to what you tell me.

Don't worry, perhaps it'll be a default in Irrlicht 0.7 :D

Now some titles (at least to help out with something since I'm no programmer either-like phreak said)

war days
the mission
critical encounter
survival sentences (?)
auschwitz re-visited (very "return to castle wolfenstein" anyone?)
valor proven
fear proof
the unknown soldier
I am the unknown soldier
or just: unknown soldier :D
war master
master of war
afecelis kickass fps

h aha ha ha ha ha h :lol:

ok, there's my 2 cents. If anything else crosses my mind I'll post it here

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Post by c_olin3404 »

Thanks for all of the ideas guys!

But like I said a couple posts ago, I'm not making an actual game, I am making a FPS engine. No storyline.... just a cool name
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how bout...

Post by buhatkj »

how about:
-the Slaughter Engine
-the Target project

yeh well those all prolly suck heh...weaselFPS is cool i think...
My irrlicht-based projects have gone underground for now, but if you want, check out my webcomic instead! http://brokenboomerang.net
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Post by bakkdoor »

FrenGine :shock:

Post by Guest »

Current Features:
* Dynamic lighting on the viewmodel weapon according to where the lights are placed in GTK-Radiant

how do you do that?? that would be very usful.
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Post by darkliquid »

Here is a name!

F^3 (F cubed) = FFF = First-person Frag Fest!
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Post by dartsman »


Wezzle - Taken from WeaselFPS

Throughing in some names:

what about like a name that looks like its abbriviated, but it stands for nothing...
CCTPv - were v stands for the version
DDTv - same thing
SFN - Stands For Nothing
URNAL - You Really Need A Life
GOTAGMAC - Go Out There And Get Me A Chicken


Creator of SKIMMER
as seen on TV... err I mean the I: Drive
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Post by Lord_ZealoN »

GOTAGMAC - Go Out There And Get Me A Chicken
:lol: XDDD

I like it
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Post by c_olin3404 »

Anonymous wrote:Current Features:
* Dynamic lighting on the viewmodel weapon according to where the lights are placed in GTK-Radiant

how do you do that?? that would be very usful.
It's not perfected yet, but once it is, I will post the code.

I think I'm sticking with Goretek by buhatkj or weaselFPS by yours truely.


Thanks guys!
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Post by LordNaikon »

i vote for weaselFPS!!

if I completely nicely ask, did you place the code online?

i am a code vampire. i need code to learn irrlicht

last but not least : great work ! you always say you are bad in modeling... believe me your not! you make a great work and now i am a fan of your game !
q|^.^|p beeing every time friendly to everyone
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Post by c_olin3404 »

The code is not online and it wont be for awhile, I am rewritting like half of it. I am going to make an entity manager thingy.
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