Bug on Radeon 9100IGP (present in Irrlicht 1.4b) - OGL

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Posts: 62
Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:08 am

Bug on Radeon 9100IGP (present in Irrlicht 1.4b) - OGL

Post by Raedwulf »

Pictures are worth a thousand words :).

Irrlicht 1.3.1
Irrlicht 1.4b

DX works fine.

Cheers, I'm really happy about Irrlicht's progress!.
Last edited by Raedwulf on Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:20 pm
Location: Oldenburg(Oldb), Germany

Post by hybrid »

Hmm, didn't see such a problem, yet. But also your results for 1.3.1 are not correct - you should have a transparent world in the center. Ir's far too dark here. It looks like a render state problem, maybe with texture matrix or mipmapping. Do you have an OpenGL debugger? At least compile the app in debug mode and check if there are eny GL erors reported to the console.
Posts: 62
Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:08 am

Post by Raedwulf »

Ok will do :). It works fine everywhere else except this laptop :P. DX works perfect ;).
When i recompile do i have to recompile Irrlicht or just the example?
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Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:20 pm
Location: Oldenburg(Oldb), Germany

Post by hybrid »

Everything, well the dll would be enough :wink:
Posts: 277
Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2005 6:11 pm

Post by kburkhart84 »

This may not apply to this situation, but here goes. You have a RADEON 9100, which is close to the 9200 I have in my desktop. In OGL, on this card, it can't handle the bumpmapped or parallaxmapped materials that Irrlicht uses, but with DX9, the same can CAN handle the above-mentioned materials. On my computer with said card, with OGL, Irrlicht uses a fallback material, where it works perfect with DX9. Something in Irrlicht 1.4 may have changed to where the fallback doesn't work right. Also, I saw another post where it was mentioned that Irrlicht needs to use "legacy" shader compilers or something like that, which was in another topic very recent in Bug Reports. Maybe this and that have something to do with it.
Posts: 62
Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:08 am

Post by Raedwulf »

That sounds about right :).

Code: Select all

Please select the driver you want for this example:
 (a) Direct3D 9.0c
 (b) Direct3D 8.1
 (c) OpenGL 1.5
 (d) Software Renderer
 (e) Burning's Software Renderer
 (f) NullDevice
 (otherKey) exit

Irrlicht Engine version 1.4beta
Microsoft Windows XP Personal Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Using renderer: OpenGL 1.3.1072
MOBILITY RADEON 9000/9100 IGP Series DDR x86/SSE2: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
GLSL not available.
Loaded texture: ../../media/irrlichtlogo2.png
Loaded mesh: ../../media/room.3ds
Loaded texture: ../../media/rockwall.bmp
Loaded texture: ../../media/rockwall_height.bmp
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: template
CXFileReader: Reading template
debug DataObject:: Frame
CXFileReader: Reading frame
creating joint : Frame_SCENE_ROOT
debug DataObject in frame:: FrameTransformMatrix
CXFileReader: Reading Transformation Matrix
debug DataObject in frame:: Frame
CXFileReader: Reading frame
creating joint : Frame1_sphere_lwo_layer1
debug DataObject in frame:: FrameTransformMatrix
CXFileReader: Reading Transformation Matrix
debug DataObject in frame:: Mesh
CXFileReader: Reading mesh
debug DataObject in mesh:: MeshNormals
CXFileReader: reading mesh normals
debug DataObject in mesh:: MeshTextureCoords
CXFileReader: reading mesh texture coordinates
debug DataObject in mesh:: MeshMaterialList
CXFileReader: Reading mesh material list
CXFileReader: Reading mesh material
CXFileReader: reading texture filename
Could not open file of texture: earth.bmp
Loaded texture: ../../media/earth.bmp
debug DataObject in mesh:: VertexDuplicationIndices
debug DataObject in mesh:: }
debug DataObject in frame:: }
debug DataObject in frame:: }
debug DataObject:: AnimationSet
CXFileReader: Reading animation set
CXFileReader: reading animation
CXFileReader: reading animation key
CXFileReader: reading animation key
CXFileReader: reading animation key
getting name: : Frame1_sphere_lwo_layer1
Time to load ascii X file: 248ms
Loaded mesh: ../../media/earth.x
Loaded texture: ../../media/earthbump.bmp
Loaded texture: ../../media/particlered.bmp
Loaded texture: ../../media/particlewhite.bmp
Loaded texture: ../../media/fireball.bmp
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