My First IRRLITCH demo (Completed 23th September)

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Post by BlindSide »

Also IrrKlang is not an "Open source library" :lol: (It is nice and free, but not open source)

I think if you make the particles a different colour, like a less saturated blue and also make them fade more (Using the new affectors or the old ones or just the normal ones or something.) this will be nice.

Keep up the good work is the chinese lady from Kung Fu Hussle? :P
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Post by Virion »

I've spotted a spelling error in the "About" tab. IRRkdlang should be IRRklang? :P
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Post by christianclavet »

Thanks guys, for the corrective! :) I will also have to put the song authors there and also Elvman should be in my credits for the Reaslistic water node. I'll go see for the details of IRRLicht and IRRKlang... I'll try to be more accurate.

The water of the fountain look much better when you will see it in movement. Since I don't have motion blur it doesnt give it justice...
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Post by christianclavet »

Hi, Just to give an update. I'm still working on this level demo.

Most of the work now as been in the engine. I'm cleaning things up, by creating blocks of codes in includes files. The size in 1 file started to get big and long to search.

Changed the way I load the scene. Now the code is loading completely the IRR file and apply the metaSelector on the Occtree mesh in the tree nodes. Thank for Vitek/Travis for helping me understand this. Now the level design work can be completed mostly in IRREdit and I have a minimum of coding to do.

I've been able to make the interface in french with unicodes. The next versions will be in french and english. I needed the accents.

I've remade the water particle for my fountain. Found a "problem" in alpha channel value preset in Irrlicht, that I was able later to use the way I wanted. Water particles will be more transparent and will not have that hard edge.

Removed the trees and put billboards. It was taking too much FPS. I'll try to see If I could implement a special billboard node (axial) that could only rotate on the Y axis and change the billboard image from the angle of the billboard. This is pretty complicated and I'm really not sure I can do this all by myself. I'm checking the source code of the billboard node to understand a little more. If I can implement this. I could render a 1 millions polygons tree on 36 angles and have the billboards nodes represent that.

I've also added a compass (a feature I've been wanting to put there, thank to Vitek-Travis for the codes base)

I've also been able to "clean up" a little the Crouch move of the FPS camera. I think I will add another crouch level (near to the ground), had to test it before.

Also I'm trying to get the FPS Camera to change the speed when I will press a key. I've got to learn more about the "serialize attributes" to make this work. At the moment, I can't read the attributes.

Travis/Vitek showed me that it's possible to change the Camera TOP and tried it. I was able to walk in my level ceiling...(Like changing the gravity in PREY) That was quite fun :lol: , but the mouse is not inverted with the camera. I've ask also for this on the board.
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Post by christianclavet »

Hi. I've completed the demo the 23th of September. This is the completed release. The links and new pictures are in the first post.

I'm planning on working in another demo. Not sure where it will be (Perhaps Egypt). I want the other project to use Normal maps to show more detail. Right now, I'm in learning phase. Once, I have the pipeline working, I'll do some artwork and tests idea before starting the project.

When I will have some stuff started, I'll post it on this forum.

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Post by JP »

Looks very nice and i like the choice of Megadeth for the music!

I think the sfx aren't that nicely done though... They did my head in a bit and i could still hear the busses rather loud even though i was underground. Obviously it's a bit more difficult to make sound cut off when you're out of earshot (blocked by walls etc). But i guess you can just do a raycast from the camera to each object emitting sound and if it's blocked by walls or floors you just cut the audio. If you don't have too many audio sources then that's probably not too much of a problem.

Good to see you've finished it though! And good luck with your next one, Egypt certainly sounds like a good one!
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Post by anandh »

amazing work
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Post by rogerborg »

This looks really great. I caught myself mashing a non-existent 'sprint' key, it's that complete looking. ;)

I only have constructive comments to add, in the hope that they'll be helpful if you pitch this as a demo.

1. I'm seeing some weird lighting issues, where the lighting changes on whole swathes of the landscape or tree decals depending on the distance to them. Whole rows of trees suddenly become lit, then a few steps later, unlit again.

2. It looks like you're using default Irrlicht billboards for the trees. This is fine if you can only view them from shallow angles, but ideally you'd want to use axis-aligned billboards that always face up along the Y axis.

3. It's very noticable (from the frame rate and viewing angles) that it's a single scene. You'd get an improved frame rate if you split it into sub-scenes and hid the above ground sub-scene while the camera is underground, and vice versa.

I hope that these comments are useful, and I really do mean congratulations on putting together a very nice looking demo.
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Post by TheGameMaker »

^^ I actually like this demo more than the original Irrlicht demo... Great job, even though the level graphics could be way more stylish (everything to clean) to symmetric... (at least the outside..) add some texture variations etc..
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Post by sio2 »

Very nice demo. It's a shame no-ones fixed the water though. It's got the same edge artefacts as the original water-reflection demo I did 10 months ago.
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Post by christianclavet »

Hi, Thanks for the comments!

I'm seeing some weird lighting issues, where the lighting changes on whole swathes of the landscape or tree decals depending on the distance to them. Whole rows of trees suddenly become lit, then a few steps later, unlit again.
Yes. I saw this problem, Im usign a dynamic light and it seem to produce this. I was not able to fix it.
It looks like you're using default Irrlicht billboards for the trees. This is fine if you can only view them from shallow angles, but ideally you'd want to use axis-aligned billboards that always face up along the Y axis.
Yes. I had the code but, I think I was too lazy to implement it. I posititionned all elements in IRRedit and loaded the scene. I would have to change lots of things (replace the nodes and delete the old ones). I had to produce this demo for the 24th sept. for a game/movie industry convention (give it to people there). In the next demo I'm planning to do, this will be added properly (Also I'll do this in Irrlicht 1.4)
It's very noticable (from the frame rate and viewing angles) that it's a single scene.
No. This is made of multiples objects that I divided to increase frame rate. The first frame rate I've got was around 20 fps about everywhere and some place got even lower. Because of the way, i've build the level and the fact that i'm using the realistic water node, this is only happening if you are near the bridge facing the metro station now (It as to draw: Water, particles, bridge, buses, seats. Only the underground metro station is hidden from there. Most of the location on the demo get mostly 60fps and more here. Next time, since I know this. I'll do a better planning in the "views" that will be available. If I'd have done something that could hide the metro station and the bus, while I was in the park, the frame rate, would not drop at all.

They did my head in a bit and i could still hear the busses rather loud even though i was underground.
Humm. I didnt remarked this, but it's true. If you go underground, you should not hear the buses. Someone has seen some examples with IRRKlang to do that? (Raycast to see if the sound is blocked by wall?) My C++ knowledge is limited (very newbie). I have a basic understanding of C++ only. That could be good to have for my next demo.

... even though the level graphics could be way more stylish (everything to clean) to symmetric...
I had limitations. I have to use some shader/Normal maps to properly have some less "clean" look. That's why I decided to build that metro station in a city (that city is clean :wink: ) In the next demo, I'm planning now; it will be in a completely different area (Thinking about Egypt or Liban/Irak where there are some ruins (Egyptian and/or Sumerian). For this, I'm learning the method to produce thoses Normal Maps and will model the environnement in high details (bake it in a normal map on a low res version). This will take me some time, learning and experimenting. Also, I've learned at the convention that most game compagnies (Ubisoft/EA) uses 3D Studio to model. I'm checking to learn it also (Try to adapt my Lightwave experience to 3DS). I'll also need to practice a little in Zbrush. Didnt practiced much...

One thing I was thinking was to put some more comments and try to clean my source code a little and give it to the community. Would be there someone to help me clean it a little more? (So its looking ok also for advanced users too).

This could surely help new users like me start their FPS game...
Would you think it's a good idea?
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Post by rogerborg »

christianclavet wrote:
It's very noticable (from the frame rate and viewing angles) that it's a single scene.
No. This is made of multiples objects that I divided to increase frame rate.
Hmm, fair enough. It didn't seem that way; when I was underground looking back up towards the buses, I got the same big frame rate drop as when looking at them on the surface. Are you actually hiding the above ground parts of the scene when the viewer is underground?
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Post by fmx »

congrats on completing the demo!
I really like the simplicity of it all, and it looks really nice too.

I'm looking forward to see more of your Irrlicht creations!

Good Luck!
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Post by Acki »

BlindSide wrote:Also IrrKlang is not an "Open source library" :lol: (It is nice and free, but not open source)
just for information: irrKlang is only free for non-comercial projects !!! ;)
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Post by christianclavet »


irrKlang is only free for non-comercial projects !!!
Yes. I know. This project is free also. :wink: And the last version I posted, I don't mention "FREE" anymore. I keep it simple and only written
"This application was developped in C++ language with the help of these C++ Libraries: IRRlicht and IRRKLang"
Are you actually hiding the above ground parts of the scene when the viewer is underground?
Humm. Irrlicht is not doing this since it's not in the view frustum? Actually, I only hide the water node since it seem to render even if I don't see it. I saw a performance Increase when I separated objects from the big mesh that I done in my first versions. Separated parts:
- Outside elements (Outside terrain and border)
- Park
- Parking, with the bus station
- Buses (Each bus is a single element)
- Metro station
- Metro bay area (where the train arrive)
All of theses elements are separate entities and loaded one by one in IRRedit. So you said that I would have to do the algorithm to check the view frustum and hide them if they are not into the view? I was sure the IRRLicht engine was doing that! Someone confirm? I would need some help in my next project then to hide(not render) the geometry that is not into the view frustum. If this is true, then the current level could have more than 60FPS all over!
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