How to get Direct X 8 in Dev-CPP

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Post by alexem »

I've only added it to C Compiler. :oops:
Now it works fine :)
Yours sencerely,
Alexander Milanoff
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Post by rincewind »

Hi, compilation is successful, but after that, the linker reports:
C:\DEV-CPP\BIN\DLLWRAP.EXE: Must provide at least one of -o or --dllname options...

but that option is given to the linker, as far as i can see:
dllwrap.exe --output-def libIrrlicht.def --driver-name c++ --implib libIrrlicht.a CAnimatedMeshMD2.o [...] CGUICheckBox.o -L"C:/DEV-CPP/lib" -L"jpeglib" -L"zlib" --no-export-all-symbols --add-stdcall-alias -lgdi32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -ljpeg -lz -d3dx8d -o Irrlicht.dll

i'm not so familiar with devcpp, maybe someone knows what do...
thanks for your help,

(btw, excuse my bad english, last time i wrote in english was in school some
years ago :wink: )
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Post by NinjaNL »

Rebuild all (CTRL+F11)

I remember that this happened to me, seems to be because DevCpp tracks changes in source files, so if the source is not changed, then he won't recompile it when the compiler/linker options change.

Post by Acki »

Well, I don't get DX into the dll !!!
I followed the instructions exactly.
All object files where compiled withot any errors.
At the end of the compilation dllwrap.exe causes an error (line to long, or something like that - I'm german and don't know the english messages) !!!

I am at the end to my wisdom... :(

please help me !!!
maybe someone can send me the dll and libs, compiled with DX for Dev-C++ ???

my eMail adress:


Post by Acki »

Well, now I have the right dll - with DX !!!
Thanks to Malcolm for the file !!!

So why there is no download for this dll - for those who need/whant it !?!?!
I don't understand it at all... :?

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Post by Robomaniac »

As i'd said before, it'd require niko to keep two projects, with two sets of options, and two different compile config files. This is a lot to manage (might not seem like a lot, but it multiplies as the project gets larger (like this engine)). Its not that hard of a fix, so just do it :-)
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Post by NinjaNL »

Glad to see the DLL worked Acki.
Acki wrote:Well, I don't get DX into the dll !!!
I followed the instructions exactly.
All object files where compiled withot any errors.
At the end of the compilation dllwrap.exe causes an error (line to long, or something like that - I'm german and don't know the english messages) !!!
I am sorry that I didn't see this when I read your message previously, but are you running Windows 2000? or XP?

In any case I run Windows 2000 and that comment about the line being too long was the clue. Windows 2000 (and probably XP too) has a limit to the number of characters which can be on a command line (and for all it's windows IDE the compiler is still command line driven). What you have to do is find the makefile created by dev-cpp and copy it to a new file. Name it Irrlicht.mak (or something else so long as you remember it.

Then in DevCpp, under Project- Project options- Makefile, select "Use Custom Makefile......" browse to the where you have Irrlicht.mak and select it.

Now you have to edit the Irrlicht.mak file. The Linker line is too long, so you have to replace the linker line (guessing now "-LIrrlkichttest.o -LIrrlichtgui.o................") with a line looking something like -L*.o. You may have to point explicitly to the directory -Lc:\Irrlicht\source\*.o.

I may be wrong about the -L part but have a look at the makefile created for the project, you will see one part with a great number of .o files. This line needs changing.

Another option is this: (from the DevCpp forum)
1) download MSYS ( and install
2) configure after install (don't know if thats critical)
3) edit config.sys (add line that says: SHELL=c:\path_to_msys_dir\bin\sh.exe )
3) edit autoexec.bat (add line that says: set COMSPEC=c:\path_to_msys_dir\bin\sh.exe )
4) reboot
5) try to compile a huge project with many object files

Post by Acki »

Ah, yes I'm using W2k !!!
What a mess... :D

Well, I'll try your hint !!!

thx, Acki
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Post by DarkWhoppy »

Would someone mind compiling the new version of Irrlicht with Dev-C++ to be able to use DirectX and upload the DLL(and libs) some where?? (I still get no DLL when I compile it myself...)
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Post by eis_os »

I haven't yet found a way to compile it in one pass under Win2000:
I did:
Compile it until it says it can't dllwrap.

Copy to irrlicht.mak or any name you want.
In Irrlicht.mak change linkobj line so it has only LINKOBJ = <path>/*.o $(RES)
Change the project options -> makefile so it will use the mak file,
Now say compile, wait ..., you should get a sucessfull compiled libIrrlicht.a and .dll...
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Post by darkraven »

Here is what I did when I recompiled it with dev c++. I downloaded the directx dev pack from and installed it. Then I followed exactly what is stated at the beginning of this thread but I added the directx9 to it too. What I got was a successful compile. I was able to use opengl and directx8 flawlessly or at least from what I could tell. With directx9 I do have the problem with mip map creation not being done for some reason which I can't figure out but for dx8 it worked. I didn't try the compile with the dx dev pack that is downloaded through the update so I don't know if it works or not but I know the devpak that the people at the address above created - it seems to work.

I'm not sure about the dllwrap thing but when I compiled it I loaded the file or what it is into the ide and changed the folder locations to the right one and added those compiler defines and it worked. I haven't tryied it with the command line so I can't say if it works or not.
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Post by DarkWhoppy »

It would be nice to have someone provide the DLL and LIB for download... :roll:
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Post by cmoibenlepro »

I tried to do exactly what you said in the tutorial, but I always get the following error:

c:\Benoit\mingw32\bin\make.exe: *** No rule to make target `pp', needed by `CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse.o'. Stop
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Post by cmoibenlepro »

ok I found the solution to my problem. I don't know why but dev-cpp made an error when it created the makefile and it wrote CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse.cpp pp
(I don't know why)
I erased the "pp" thing and it worked perfectly.

Post by Guest »

I cant seem to get this right!!!

Code: Select all

Irrlicht Engine version 0.6
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 4 (Build 2195)
DirectX8 Renderer
Intel Corporation 810 Graphics Controller Hub i81xdnt5.dll
Loaded texture: #DefaultFont
Could not find texture in Q3 .bsp: textures/common/caulk
JPEG parameter struct mismatch: library thinks size is 464, caller expects 432
then it crashes I did what was said.....
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