BoundingBoxes not updated with MS3D and B3D

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BoundingBoxes not updated with MS3D and B3D

Post by hey_i_am_real »


Linux, SVN1063, Opengl.

On the left side, a .md2, on the right side, a .b3d, both with setDebugDataVisible( irr::scene::EDS_BBOX_ALL );


Seems that Animated Meshes (tested with .ms3d and .b3d) with bones don't update their bounding boxes.

Sometimes, the mesh goes really far away from the bounding box.
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Post by Vsk »

Yes, I've had the same problem, I think is a irrlicht bug.
Even more if you rotate you object and make it draw the bounding box (transoformed bounding box) it chang its size in wrong way.
Thats why I am using the physic engine bounding box instedad :?
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