Entity Manager: Where to start?

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Entity Manager: Where to start?

Post by c_olin3404 »

In my first person shooter engine I want to add an entity manager for entity types such as the player, other clients (for network play), ammo, weapons, lights, bots. particle emiters. But I have no idea where to start! I searched google for a tutorial or article with some info on how an entity manager is written. And I also searched gamedevs areticles but didn't find anything good. How did you guys learn how an entity manager is written? Did you just make it up by yourself?

I don't want you guys to write it for me, I would just like a brief sumary on how it is structured, or if you know a good tutorial or article i would greaty enjoy a link!

Note: I will be writting it in C++ OOP, so looking at the source of quake 1, 2 won't help. (is quake 3 C++ OOP?)

Thanks in advanced
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Post by Tyn »

Yeah, there is a good one in GameDev. They call it an Object Factory which is why you may not have found it, it is quite good. Unfortunatly I can't get the link from the computers at work, they time out on any webpage without straight HTML ( their website has a lot of adverts on it ).

Edit: Your lucks in, the website didn't crash for 5 minutes, lol.

http://www.gamedev.net/reference/progra ... ctfactory/
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