IeventReciever error????[solved]

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Post by bitplane »

I'll also throw in my 2c. Try to assume good faith - very few people are deliberately nasty. Acki comes over a bit hostile at times, rogerborg's wit is sharp enough to cause serious injury, and zeno likes to flame.. but if you can get past that there are always nuggets of wisdom in there.

What they really mean is, when you get an error message like "cannot instantiate abstract class due to following members...", you need to read up on stuff until you understand the error message.
So for starters you need to know what instantiate means, and what an abstract class is. Once you know that, it should be obvious. If it isn't, you need to google some more until it is obvious. If you're still stuck and have to post a question, put some effort into it. Write about what you've tried, where you've searched, and ask for a direction not a solution. If you do this nobody can ever accuse you of being lazy or unwilling to learn by yourself.
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Post by newbie8787 »

:roll: :roll: :roll: :D :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh my god rogerborg for someone who is so self involved you sure seem to think you know the whole world :D i just saw what you wrote in the forum , i am brandon1987 :lol: :D :shock: , well sorry to burst your bubble buddy , but i am not !!!!

i have no idea why rogerborg is getting so crancky i came to amicable terms with Acki [he helped me out in a few places] ,Zeno despite being blunt is correct in his own stance, and bitplane is kinda right too, but rogerborg needs to be the BIG BROTHER who knows everything thats going on :D , i have just two words for you my friend and these are my last two words to you

oh and to the rest of the people who doubt me so much, thanks for the advice guys , i really appreciate it , but i am not as big as idiot as am being made out to be on this forum , i am competent enough in C++ programming to know what is what , but sometimes you just dont know the solution even though you know the problem, i assure you that i dont use this forum lightly or post questions to all my problems even before i try out my own solutions!! and i have made my id newbie coz i am new to graphics programming not programming in general !!!

(not brandon1987 as some would have you believe ) :lol:
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