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Post by radubolovan »

I've realised some flow improvements. Well ... it's my opinion.
First of all you should separate the ISceneManager::drawAll() function in two:
1) ISceneManager::update( float fDeltaTime );
2) ISceneManager::drawAll();
as below:

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void CSceneManager::update()
	// reset attributes
	Parameters.setAttribute ( "culled", 0 );
	Parameters.setAttribute ( "calls", 0 );
	Parameters.setAttribute ( "drawn", 0 );

	// reset all transforms
	video::IVideoDriver* driver = getVideoDriver();
	if ( driver )
		core::matrix4 identity;
		driver->setTransform ( video::ETS_PROJECTION, identity );
		driver->setTransform ( video::ETS_VIEW, identity );
		driver->setTransform ( video::ETS_WORLD, identity );
		driver->setTransform ( video::ETS_TEXTURE_0, identity );
		driver->setTransform ( video::ETS_TEXTURE_1, identity );
		driver->setTransform ( video::ETS_TEXTURE_2, identity );
		driver->setTransform ( video::ETS_TEXTURE_3, identity );

	u32 currentTime = os::Timer::getTime();
	char string[1024];
	sprintf( string, "current time: %d\n", currentTime );
	appendToDebugLog( DS_IRRLICHT_DEBUG_CHANNEL, string );

	// do animations and other stuff.
	OnAnimate( currentTime );

	First Scene Node for prerendering should be the active camera
	consistent Camera is needed for culling
	if ( ActiveCamera )
		camWorldPos = ActiveCamera->getAbsolutePosition();

	// let all nodes register themselves

	u32 i; // new ISO for scoping problem in some compilers

	//render camera scenes
		CurrentRendertime = ESNRP_CAMERA;
		for (i=0; i<CameraList.size(); ++i)


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void CSceneManager::drawAll()
	if (!Driver)

	u32 i; // new ISO for scoping problem in some compilers

	//render lights scenes
		CurrentRendertime = ESNRP_LIGHT;



		LightList.sort ();		// on distance to camera

		u32 maxLights = core::min_ ( Driver->getMaximalDynamicLightAmount (), LightList.size () );
		for (i=0; i< maxLights; ++i)


	// render skyboxes
		CurrentRendertime = ESNRP_SKY_BOX;

		for (i=0; i<SkyBoxList.size(); ++i)


	// render default objects
		CurrentRendertime = ESNRP_SOLID;
		SolidNodeList.sort(); // sort by textures

		for (i=0; i<SolidNodeList.size(); ++i)

		Parameters.setAttribute ( "drawn", (s32) SolidNodeList.size () );


	// render shadows
		CurrentRendertime = ESNRP_SHADOW;
		for (i=0; i<ShadowNodeList.size(); ++i)

		if (!ShadowNodeList.empty())
			Driver->drawStencilShadow(true,ShadowColor, ShadowColor,
				ShadowColor, ShadowColor);


	// render transparent objects.
		CurrentRendertime = ESNRP_TRANSPARENT;
		TransparentNodeList.sort(); // sort by distance from camera

		for (i=0; i<TransparentNodeList.size(); ++i)


	// render shader objects.
		for ( u32 g = 0; g!= ESNRP_SHADER_10 - ESNRP_SHADER_0 + 1; ++g )
			CurrentRendertime = (scene::E_SCENE_NODE_RENDER_PASS) (ESNRP_SHADER_0 + g);

			const u32 size = ShaderNodeList[g].size ();
			if ( 0 == size )

			ShaderNodeList[g].sort(); // sort by textures
			for (i=0; i< size; ++i)



	CurrentRendertime = ESNRP_COUNT;
I'll give you some considerations: pausing!
if you make a

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bool m_bPaused;
a function

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inline void setPause( bool bPause ){ m_bPaused = bPause; }
and then in constructor:

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m_bPaused = false;
and in update function (at beginning):

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if( m_bPaused ) return;
will just freeze but the scene will still render! This is good for opening in game menus and pause the game ... let say that we have a game and want to change our weapon from an inventory ... we should pause the game but stii render the 3D scene behind 2d stuff(inventory).
About fDeltaTime ... it is the difference between 2 frames. It will also help with lerp motion. For example if I want to move a scene node from point a to point b but using smooth motion, I can use the function

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vector3df LerpValue( vector3df& current_point, vector3df& target_point, float fFactor )
    if( factor >= 1.0f )
       return target_point;
    return current_point * ( 1.0f - fFactor ) + target_point * fFactor );
And then assuming we have a

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void move( vector3df to_pos ){ m_targetPos = to_pos;}
the "object" will move smoothly from point a to point b using the function like this:

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m_pos = LerpValue( m_pos, m_targetPos, fDeltaTime * fSpeed );
SetPosition( m_pos );/* m_pos is the current position*/
Then the render function will render the "object: to the specific position.
That's all for now :) If you think that my ideeas are good I will continue.
Last edited by radubolovan on Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dlangdev »


just putting my post here so i can retrieve it later.
Frosty Topaz
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Post by Frosty Topaz »

Why not just use the built in timer's pause ability? I believe animators use the timer to determine how much they move... so if it's stopped don't they stop as well? (Assuming you're using animators, and that any custom ones play nice with the timer)

And if the animator's don't use the timer... well why the heck don't they?!?!
Frosty Topaz
It isn't easy being ice-encrusted aluminum silicate fluoride hydroxide...
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Post by hybrid »

Yes, the animators should pause when the timer stops. Moreover, rendering the scene with no changes just uses ressources which are not necessary. Just keep the image unchanged!
lerp functions are also available already, please check the API.
A split into several methods (which always need to be called) is not planned, instead we plan for a parameter whether to call the update or render stages of the drawAll call.
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Post by radubolovan »

And if you have objects that don't move using animations?
For example I've made a SunMoon class which draws textures(materials) for sun and moon at specific vertices and doesn't use the irrlicht animation system; the sun and the moon aren't meshes or derived from a irrlicht class. I'm not saying that irrlicht system isn't good; I'm saying that irrlicht system is a little bit limited. It doesn't give much flexibility.
Here is the update & draw functions of my cass:

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void DSSunMoon::update( float fDeltaTime )
	/* update time */
	m_fTime += fDeltaTime * m_fTimeSpeed;

	if( m_fTime >= 1.0f )
		m_fTime = 0.0f;
		if( DSSunMoon::m_nSunIndex == SECONDS_PER_DAY )
			DSSunMoon::m_nSunIndex = 0;
			DSSunMoon::m_nMoonIndex = SECONDS_PER_DAY / 2;

		m_sunPos = m_positions[DSSunMoon::m_nSunIndex];
		m_moonPos = m_positions[DSSunMoon::m_nMoonIndex];

	/* update sun */
	m_sunTargetPos = LerpValues( m_sunTargetPos, m_sunPos, fDeltaTime );

	vector3df sunDir = (m_sunTargetPos - m_campos).normalize();
	vector3df sunProjective = sunDir; sunProjective.Y = 0.0f;
	vector3df dir1 = (sunDir.crossProduct( sunProjective )).normalize();
	vector3df dir2 = (sunDir.crossProduct( dir1 )).normalize();

	vector3df texNormal = (m_sunTargetPos + m_campos).normalize();

	m_sunVerices[0].Pos = m_sunTargetPos + dir1 * SUN_RADIUS + dir2 * SUN_RADIUS;
	m_sunVerices[1].Pos = m_sunTargetPos - dir1 * SUN_RADIUS + dir2 * SUN_RADIUS;
	m_sunVerices[2].Pos = m_sunTargetPos - dir1 * SUN_RADIUS - dir2 * SUN_RADIUS;
	m_sunVerices[3].Pos = m_sunTargetPos + dir1 * SUN_RADIUS - dir2 * SUN_RADIUS;

	m_sunVerices[0].Normal = texNormal;
	m_sunVerices[1].Normal = texNormal;
	m_sunVerices[2].Normal = texNormal;
	m_sunVerices[3].Normal = texNormal;

	/* update moon */
	m_moonTargetPos = LerpValues( m_moonTargetPos, m_moonPos, fDeltaTime );

	sunDir = (m_moonTargetPos - m_campos).normalize();
	sunProjective = sunDir; sunProjective.Y = 0.0f;
	dir1 = (sunDir.crossProduct( sunProjective )).normalize();
	dir2 = (sunDir.crossProduct( dir1 )).normalize();

	texNormal = (m_moonTargetPos + m_campos).normalize();

	m_moonVerices[0].Pos = m_moonTargetPos + dir1 * SUN_RADIUS + dir2 * SUN_RADIUS;
	m_moonVerices[1].Pos = m_moonTargetPos - dir1 * SUN_RADIUS + dir2 * SUN_RADIUS;
	m_moonVerices[2].Pos = m_moonTargetPos - dir1 * SUN_RADIUS - dir2 * SUN_RADIUS;
	m_moonVerices[3].Pos = m_moonTargetPos + dir1 * SUN_RADIUS - dir2 * SUN_RADIUS;

	m_moonVerices[0].Normal = texNormal;
	m_moonVerices[1].Normal = texNormal;
	m_moonVerices[2].Normal = texNormal;
	m_moonVerices[3].Normal = texNormal;

void DSSunMoon::draw()
	/* drawing the sun */
	DSScene::instance()->videoDriver()->setMaterial( m_sunMat );
	DSScene::instance()->videoDriver()->drawIndexedTriangleFan( m_sunVerices, 4, m_indices, 2 );

	/* drawing the moon */
	DSScene::instance()->videoDriver()->setMaterial( m_moonMat );
	DSScene::instance()->videoDriver()->drawIndexedTriangleFan( m_moonVerices, 4, m_indices, 2 );
I can't use that class with actual irrlicht, can I? I had to modify some of it. If you are intrested in my modifications; here are source code: http://websvn.darkstarlinux.ro/listing. ... s%2Fsrc%2F
It is Open Source :)
(In Linux) you can download from svn with command:
svn co svn://svn.darkstarlinux.ro/svnroot/projects/trunk/playground/dswheels
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Post by hybrid »

In that case your fDeltaTime will simply stay at 0.0f. hence also your nodes will be paused. You'd put this into onAnimate. You could also put the code into a scene node animator if sun and moon are meshes (do you use some kind of billboard?).
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Post by radubolovan »

It is only a texture (for sun) and one for moon (you can download the code from link below).
For smooth animatoin fDeltaTime is the difference between 2 frames... for example if I hav 86 FPS, then the fDeltaTime = 1/86 = 0.11, but can be changed from frame to frame. Then you can move an object from point a to point b WITHIN 2 seconds hardware independently.
It is only my opinion, of course, that this system is more efficiently.
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Post by hybrid »

I understand your parameter. However, in Irrlicht it should be calculated by taking the difference from ITimer values. Hence, when the timer is paused, you won't get any difference (even though it will take some milliseconds to render a frame) and so the complete scene is paused. In case you want to use the system time to calculate the offset (or even worse some guessed FPS number) be warned that you will get inconsistencies with Irrlicht's state. But as said it's perfectly possible with Irrlicht's current setup (besides the multiple render thing, which is not yet done).
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