Getting an animated model from 3dsMax 5 to Irrlicht

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Getting an animated model from 3dsMax 5 to Irrlicht

Post by sybixsus »

My first test with any new engine is the art path, for without that, the rest is pointless, and so far it isn't going anywhere.

I have a character, around 4,000 polys, with a Character Studio 3.2 biped and Skin to attach the two together. I can export it to u3d format for Ultimate Unwrap and from there I can convert it to b3d ( Blitz3d ) where it looks great.

I cannot convert it to anything which will load into Irrlicht properly though.


Obj, 3ds : Static only ( limitation of the file format )
MD2 : Crashes the model viewer
MS3d ( exported directly from 3dsMax ) - static only
MS3d ( converted from u3d in Ultimate Unwrap ) - static only
.x ( Exported directly from 3dsMax using the Panda Exporter - Ignores Mesh and shows only the biped
.x ( Converted from U3d in Ultimate Unwrap ) - Mesh loads but animation is all garbled ( vertices move all over the place instead of being correctly influenced by the bones. )

Hopefully it's just me being a bit cack-handed or whatever, so maybe someone can sort me out with a straightforward, solid way to get an animated model from Max to Ittlicht.
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Post by Tyn »

This is gonna seem pretty stupid, but there is a way of getting meshes from 3DSM to .X that Irrlicht can read. I am pretty sure it isn't Irrlicht's fault, tho it could be, there are still some bugs :)

The process is this:

Export model using Panda to .X

Load .X mesh into DirectX Mesh Viewer ( comes with the SDK, I will check to license to see if I can host just the mesh viewer seperatly for peeps with model connections since the SDK is a large file )

Use the validate mesh command, fix any errors with another DX program ( it will prompt you ).

You can get the DX SDK here: ... laylang=en

Resave the mesh.

If you are lucky it should save, I've had so-so results with it. Some meshes refuse to import and some work fine. It is usually the less complicated ones that aren't displayed for some reason.
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Post by vermeer »


sorry, couldn't avoid it...

You know me well. I'm bob3d. ;) (sorry, I like to keep anonimous between forums...)

It's easy to recognize people that uses same nick ;)

Well, in my sig here you see some notes I make when testing the Max5 and 6 trialsl. I felt somewhat responsible , as though I doubt Niko got influenced by me, I somehow insisted much in the importance of x format. And I still think it is, though ppl get a bit discouraged by some bugs there are in Irrlitch, and as...well, free packages to export x with bones, weren't there...I've been helping testing to Ben and now there's an exporter for Blender. But i know you actually have Max, and I tell you you can use max for irrlitch :)

I think you have my email yet (don't post the adress here)...You can mail me, as easier for me to track , than a post in irrlitch, there are many forums here and I often loose a pair of minutes to find an specific thread...

I mean, is quicker for me for an stuff that maybe is not solved in just one post and I forget...

Also, there's a md3 loader. r2d2 is working now to load my md3 arena file (though as u know it exported badly from cfx and cant fix that, is just to know if my path with free tools and md3 will work in irrlitch) If he gets succesful , is important. As imho, md2 is not as good quality as md3, and in the meantime x format gets a bit better, is a good addon for animatio, yet I prefer x.

First, use Panda. or well, Ultimate. I suceeded with both. Mainly Max6, but I know you have max5.

Look deep in the threads in my sig, mostly I explain most important values. Any x exporter, (cfx) has loads of settings as is a complex format, not just a bunch of, any bad combination of it may make it fail.

Also, important: u need to make at least two keyframes, like key frame all in frame 0, and do a pose in frame 30. There are some important setting in "dx options" in panda, look at my sig threads.

gotta go now, more later, but please go reading and trying that stuff...

well, better discuss here, as it is better if people with same probs read this info. I'll try to not get lost to find the thread again later.. ;)

hehe, first dogzer, and now you... :)

I think Nassinamar also...

BTW, yep, irrlitch works with x.

has some bugs, yet so,

anyway, dont download the full sdk unless you prefer so...and have a uber quick connection..

I had saved it in a CD from dunno when, and it seems to be working pretty well. Grab from here:


I don't remember very well all the settings and test I made, as was sometime ago with trials... But if I read again the threads I may remember...

I know it finally worked with both ways.Tip: it had some limits which can't remeber now, hat I solved exporting as binary from Max5 trial (now there's a u3d support for max6) , as uu u know it exports as ascii.I hope you already knew that Ultimate Unwrap export pefect directx8.x files, you can test it with deep exploration demo. The demo I have at least cancelled savings but not opening, dunno if they have changed they're policies about it ...

You can also check in the mview tool from sdk I am posting u. Is both a viewer, and saving in it, will allow you to make it all the times IRLLICHT COMPATIBLE; a new term I invented ;)

Domarius I think was the one to point this solution for the first time.

So, in conclussion, one way or the othe rmust work. Though the Ultimate Unwrap ways are of no interest here as is a comercial package. That's why I'm very interested (been following it since october) in the blender exporter x plugin. I mean, mostly for the comunity, but also as I wanted a pinning bone feature that i don't have in CFX, but blender people did seem quite gentle considering it; there was one person doing already indeed, and he has added a floor constrain. But well, this does not solve your problem ;)

mail me also if you want, more quietly as I don't loose the extra minutes in reaching here, and as I feel way more confortable with my mail freebie ;)

So we can chat about it more :)

Anyway, chatting here too at least the solution... for all.

anyway, can't remeber now what was that problem about...hmm..reading the threads quickly...

hhmm bad news...seems I could not make biped work with Max5 trial and Panda..indeed, is said in main page of Panda...

But i do think I can remember I could doing one of these :

-exporting in BINARY with panda. (crazy but i think I made it work so in one try...with biped!)

-exporting as U3D , then exporting as X from Ultimate Unwrap.
I have checked with jedive (a very good coder around here) and he reported me that the Ultimate unwrap file was working...Just remember to hide the BIPED before exporting...well u don't need to unhide all to see the nubs...unless you don't want extra junk, as I saw that then it can get exported in the code... mainly, if you just hide biped, it should not export biped.

The more way you find, the better, as you don't know how many issues can u find with a bones and weiughts format..well, u know, ur a b3d user.. ;)

Hm...I think this may need quick mails to get it ironed, so feel free to write me.(though there's an small possibility I just don't remember the tricks...but is small, I'll end up remembering)

And maybe post you the right path once ironed here ;)

One easy one is the FBX export, but i think u ried that once and gave u errors...

Anyway, an other interesting option is arising is md3(r2d2, and coder who made the md3 loader...), way better than md2, but still HUGE, in memory, (indeed, ID left vertex animation a while ago for reasons...RTCW used then MDS, which has bones and weights (along with MDC and MD3) ..yep, I know that wasn't really id...) , and now with doom3 are with that fabulous md5 boned and weighted (Neoengine and Blender supporting it, as well as Max...)

X format I insisted so much as there are plenty of packages supporting it by free plugins and natively..ppl think it's not so, but go find another weights and bones format with so much support...none...md5 could give a surprise once doom3 is released, but that we never know...

You can also export from max with quest 3d exporters, but i had no luck with em...and yes with Panda and UU.

Seems Character Fx (you'll see the familar dwarf as a sample x file in Irlicht distribution ;) ) works, specially if resaved with mview, dunno if directly. ultimate Unwrap as I said u, is supported directly by irrlitch...
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Post by vermeer »


thinking it twice, and knowing you have max5....

use ultimate unwrap. It's possible,Hide the biped.

make the 2 keyframes...and email me.

is a su want to use biped, not bones, and Panda does not read biped.

I think there's an script to convert biped to bones (as I think FBX does not work with Max5) .More on this later.
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Post by Razed »

Panda worked fine with max6, however there are a few settings that must be used.

In particular, the materials must be exported as "inline". Luckily panda provides enough flexibility that just clicking around its panel a few times gave a result that worked. (At least it did for me). :D
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Post by sybixsus »

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

Thanks to Vermeer for the link to the Model Viewer. I grabbed that, since I don't have an uber-fast connection. It does appear I was using the wrong settings with the Panda Exporter at first, although I think I tried practically every combination in the end. Certainly I'll go back and try again now that I have a better idea of the right settings.

I will definitely have another go with Unwrap too, because I've never had any trouble getting from Max to Unwrap, so that really would be the perfect solution if it's possible.

I do have your email address, Vermeer, so if I need any more help, I'll send you an email. Thanks again.

Off to play with the settings and see what I can get ;)
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