Make Game Engine

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Post by vgamecoder »

You could always go and get the full source code to something like Quake3. That's a complete game and the full source code has been made available by id software. Get it, compile it, study it, alter it, whatever.
Oh cool. Sounds like fun I will.
As to the specifics of how this code functions, no one's gonna tell you that, as said, that would be writing/designing it for you.
so you want us to write it for you?

I didnt want you to give me all the code or make it for me. I wanted you give to point me to some tutorials or some site that lists the code needed. Or tell me how other people learn how to make GEs. Besides if you all made it for me it wouldn't be any fun :-).

they'd find them by using the search function

Game engine code would be here??? I'll try that and see what I could find.

Thanks good answers :-)

I would like to know how the dll and lib and include stuff work. I've noticed that all game engines or libraries (allegro, audiere,irrlicht) all use them. I'm also guessing that I cant just take one rename it and make it work with my engine. Is there a link you could give me that would explain what goes into them? Or are they on this forum too?
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Post by sudi »

hmmm u know what i seriously think a game engine is to hard for ya...
when i read ur first post i thought u where a coder who can pull it of...but then in ur next post saying u want to know what code goes into such a engine i realised that u have no clue about coding whatsoever. bc code itself is not the stuff u ask for when making a engine. u ask for ideas on how to structure stuff bc the rest is simple. well and ur last post made i clear that u don't know anything....try starting on a lower level dude. make a game or better make several games before u try to make a framework to make games.
bc when u dn't understand how to code and how stuff works it will be just wasted time seriously. when u made ur fist games you will know what u need for ya next one and that way you first of all learn how to code and u learn how to make a gameengine.
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Post by vgamecoder »

hmmm u know what i seriously think a game engine is to hard for ya...
when i read ur first post i thought u where a coder who can pull it of...but then in ur next post saying u want to know what code goes into such a engine i realised that u have no clue about coding whatsoever. bc code itself is not the stuff u ask for when making a engine. u ask for ideas on how to structure stuff bc the rest is simple. well and ur last post made i clear that u don't know anything....try starting on a lower level dude. make a game or better make several games before u try to make a framework to make games.
bc when u dn't understand how to code and how stuff works it will be just wasted time seriously. when u made ur fist games you will know what u need for ya next one and that way you first of all learn how to code and u learn how to make a gameengine.
Again the opinion I didnt ask for... How can I make anything without any code? Its like building a house without any materials. Not possible
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Post by sRc »

vgamecoder wrote: How can I make anything without any code? Its like building a house without any materials. Not possible
thats discrimination against hobos

The Bard sRc

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Post by Vsk »

vgamecoder wrote:
Again the opinion I didnt ask for... How can I make anything without any code? Its like building a house without any materials. Not possible
You are supposing that code IS THE tool for building any software.
Thats not true.
You could desing your entire engine with some graphic language like UML using besides some constraing language lik OCL or QTL. Then take a CASE tool and that will "code " everythin for you without even touching a "i++" using the diagrams and constraing you have passed to it.
(Acutlly you always should need touch the created code).

But ok, normaly this tool are not used for game engines, so you are gonna code (if you are the coder)... again you could desing the microlevel code for your entire aplication using UML collaboration diagrams for example and your coder will only "translate" that withoug even thinkg what the hell is doing. And will work.
And this last one is used and I have used. And let you think and desing your problem using graphic wich for most humans is a best way to understand concepts.

The advice that has been give to you for the rest of the guy are true, you should as "how do I structure this", "How can I decopling this", "Should I use this" "What the hell gonna use this GE for?".

After that you can take and learn every part of that and code for your self or take every part and buy it, or use some free one (irrlicht as graphic engine for example).

And building a gameengine is hard work even more if you don't know what for are you using it.
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Post by xDan »

vgamecoder wrote:Again the opinion I didnt ask for...
Actually, he answered your question: "Or tell me how other people learn how to make GEs."

How I learnt and how Sudi suggested is by making smaller demos/prototypes. For example, for the physics aspect: Go search the forum for Newton, Bullet, ODE etc... physics engines, and you will find example code integrating them with irrlicht. Now try to put together a small prototype, e.g. a player controlled camera with some boxes you can knock over.

Then rinse and repeat for sound etc... and when you're done integrate all those parts together in a clean manner.

Also as Sudi said, (and answering your question) learning to code better is imperative if you want to make a game engine... when looking at example code you need to be able to understand it perfectly.
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Post by Halifax »

vgamecoder wrote:
hmmm u know what i seriously think a game engine is to hard for ya...
when i read ur first post i thought u where a coder who can pull it of...but then in ur next post saying u want to know what code goes into such a engine i realised that u have no clue about coding whatsoever. bc code itself is not the stuff u ask for when making a engine. u ask for ideas on how to structure stuff bc the rest is simple. well and ur last post made i clear that u don't know anything....try starting on a lower level dude. make a game or better make several games before u try to make a framework to make games.
bc when u dn't understand how to code and how stuff works it will be just wasted time seriously. when u made ur fist games you will know what u need for ya next one and that way you first of all learn how to code and u learn how to make a gameengine.
Again the opinion I didnt ask for... How can I make anything without any code? Its like building a house without any materials. Not possible
Okay, I don't know why people love to avoid the truth by trying to eliminate inevitable respones.

What people are saying isn't the fact that you can't code anything, but the fact that the code is possibly to complex for you to write seeing as you can't even figure out what goes into an engine.

Now really this all depends on your exact definition of game engine which may differ from that of the people on this forum. But either way their are some great open-source engines that you can check out around the internet for guidance. A short list: Irrlicht, Ogre, Bullet, PhoenixGL, etc.

There are also some great internet resources that you obviously didn't search hard enough for! Ever heard of :wink:
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Post by dlangdev »

I personally believe that all game programmers need to have a map.

So that they learn how to read a map, and be able to help people from other countries such as the Iraq and South Africa.

Because if you don't have a map, you won't be able to help people from the Iraq, such as, and then you will not be able to make a...

game engine...

It's really that simple, it's for the future, are.
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Post by MasterGod »

vgamecoder wrote:
As MasterGod says, you've not searched enough. There's a huge number of game engines in the world so googling should find loads. If you mean ones made with irrlicht then i can think of at least 2, ok, one that's actually usable right now () and both are easy to find!
I want to know how to make a game engine not to find one...
vgamecoder wrote:
I was wondering how to make a game engine. I have done my own searching but I couldnt find anything.
You haven't searched enough.
Yes I have I have looked everywhere.
vgamecoder wrote:
I dont care for your opinion I just want the answer.

With that attitude I lost any will to help you

Then I don't care for your problem, I just want you to ask nicely.
OMG I said that because of this. I didnt want to hear people not answering me because its too advanced for me or what ever. This happened in my last post. No one answered my question not even reading the question but giving an opinion I didnt ask for. I wanted a strait
answer without the anoying opinion. It was a request not a rude statment. I was hoping you all would have respected that.
Wow, that's got to be one of the worst entrance yet...
That is why I made the comment. To avoid posts like that. That gave me no answer just an opinion I specificly said I didnt want!
Directx 3d, go buy a book on programing with it, I have one that goes through the process of making an entire game engine(grafix, sound, networking, combat systems, scripting systems, ect.), I have no intrest in making a 3d grafiz engine but the book is still great for referance and everything else required for a game
The only normal answer so far... I will try that thank you.

But I still would like more answers please.
Can you please give more answers? Preferably online rather then books.
/*Dont like books :cry: */
Master you said I havent searched enough. Does that mean you have some? Please tell me?

And PLEASE /*Better?*/ this time without the opinions maybe?
O.k, You've got me in a good mood so here it is. But First! my horrible, scary, hard to hear opinion: (And if you like yourself you'll read that cause it's for your own good, TRUST ME on that one as I've been almost ( :lol: ) in your place)
1. When you ask for help in a given situation, the people you ask for help are PEOPLE, people with opinions and sometimes pretty good advices (which are opinions by definition) so, #2.
2. Stop being a smart-ass and listen to what guys here have to say, probably they are much more experienced then you and willing to share their knowledge for the joy of helping, nothing more so asking them to not be themselves pointing their opinions (which is sometimes part of the answer) Is rude, even if you don't consider it rude yourself so change your way of asking questions or people will not answer you and follow that by completely ignoring you.
3. Yes, they all say search but what they mean is for you to work hard first, try everything that is laid before you (and if you don't see it everyone will give you help in that for SURE), and then, when you got a defined problem, think twice on how to phrase your question so others will give you strait answers (like you un-politely ask).

Juicy part:
Seeing my signature is gonna be really funny as I've disabled that in the first post of this thread intentionally.
Now, remember I've said (above) I've been in your place? Here's some evidence:
1. Tips for creating a game engine please?
2. Requirements of a simple game engine?
If I remember right you had somewhere here a question regarding DLL and Static Library? You can find an explained and detailed information here: DLL or static lib?
Before I'm gonna talk on the work you need to do Here are two projects you should check:
1. IrrWizard - Game framework using Irrlicht v1.2.
2. My Game Engine which details you can find in my signature: Irrlicht thread about it, Official Site, Official Forum (using latest SVN revision of Irrlicht).

As for running a serious project as that try reading this thread (by "do as I say not as I do" :lol: Sir rogerborg)

Now in short, (the more detailed version you'll find the the links above), you have to design first, test design after, sorry can't continue as this list of what to do is too long, see rogerborg's thread..

Now in return I ask for ONE simple thing, read the part before the "Juicy part:".

Now after writing all of this, I remember what got me mad at you in first place, "I have searched A LOT" -Yeah right.. :x , All those links above except the very-easy-to-find threads about irrWizard and rogerborg's thread are POSTED BY ME!! So don't bull**** us saying you have searched enough cause you haven't. Now about your skills in programming and designing. Trust me when I tell you it ain't an easy (although pretty fun) job creating a Game Engine, I tell from my experience. I took a month+ just DEFINING my project, as rogerborg once said "unless you know what you want to achieve you must never begin working as you'll never know when you're finished". - So this is something you should start with. And if you're using Irrlicht, you should learn its structure too, if not for the studying sake then to learn Irrlicht because you want to use it as a big part of your project (as graphics are very important in a game engine).

Here you are, a new Irrlicht user already want to create a Game Engine with it, it reminds me of the people coming here asking how to build a "small" MMO. An experienced user would know that to create such project one should be familiarized with the libraries he uses and I might be blind but I don't see any demos or mini projects you've done with it, well, have you? Take for example Virion, he has done a very simple but nice mini game with Irrlicht, you know what, just check the very long list of projects there are in the Project Announcements forum to see how many projects people are doing that you might want to use or learn from.

For conclusion, learn to respect our community and don't expect from us more then you expect from yourself cause no-one will work that hard for you especially when you present yourself like that ("I don't care for you opinions"). Mistakenly phrased questions are common and so being treated accordingly, in a mature manner, helping one another for the sake for helping so don't let that scare you but declaring over and over again, "Oh this is a good answer, Oh this is an ugly opinion I hate, oh thanks but next time leave your opinions outside" wont get you anywhere.
I hope you learn from this experience and you'll avoid all of this next time, well, lets just hope there won't be a next time. (Man I sound like my mother :lol: ) - Well I might have given it too much weight but I'm in the mood for it right now.

Good luck with any project you're gonna have and if you need any more help don't be shy to ask.

vgamecoder wrote:And PLEASE /*Better?*/
Yes! :D
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Post by vgamecoder »

So I am supposed to make games first? The game engine tutorial I found was using opengl. I found out opengl is gfx API only while directx and SDL has more options (input sound and networking). Is it possible to use them together? Like opengl and directx in the same game? Also is this what I should be learning?
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Post by BlindSide »

Yes there was this one OpenGL book that had an example game framework that utilized DirectSound for the sounds effects. I recommend just using Irrlicht for your game engine though. :P

Some very low-level oriented people, such as those that program ASM or very specific graphics techniques, may look upon Irrlicht itself as a game engine, as it provides many un-graphically oriented functions. When you think about it, the only thing Irrlicht is really missing is sound playback, and that's provided by IrrKlang (Or Audiere/OpenAL), and State management. But that's really only true for the most trivial of games.
ShadowMapping for Irrlicht!: Get it here
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Post by MasterGod »

I recommend you choose which libraries you want to encapsulate in your engine, e.g:
Graphics: Irrlicht.
Network: RakNet.
Physics: Some Irrlicht wrapper for a physics engine
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Post by Virion »

By the way, sometimes other people's opinion might become the answer. :wink:
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