3DsMax-> ... .bsp
3DsMax-> ... .bsp
Hi gyes. I'm creating level in the 3DMax. Than i'm exporting level in the format x. Importing x-file in the blender and exporting in the .map . I'm opening file .map in the GTKRadiant, level in GTKRadiant is absent. What to me to do to make a level in 3DMax and to compile it in a format bsp?
there was an exporter for gmax, and max, way long ago, in *.map format. So you could open later in gtkradiant or quark the army knife...
never used it tho...
beware geometry must be modeled in certain way...
go to scriptspot.com for searching for that maxscript...
never used it tho...
beware geometry must be modeled in certain way...
go to scriptspot.com for searching for that maxscript...
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