My new game underway thanks to alot of help on this forums. You can destroy buildings by shooting, hit the ground and fly around! Plz post FPS and other comment.
Known issues
1. Aim is not very correct
2. Sometimes crash from not finding terrain for getHeight (sollution?)
Oo, i like the mouse movement for the plane, very nicely done!
I don't know if it's me or not but i couldn't find ANYTHING in the game... no terrain or ships or buildings, just the water and skybox...
Some thoughts:
When you fly up higher the water seems to shrink, probably due to the draw distance. I think the water needs to be handled a bit better, someone did nice sounding version where it fogged out in the distance so it seemed to continue forever. I can't remember what it was called but it was in the project forum i should think and was a similar sort of game.
And when you crash into the water it just re-places the ship back to a suitable height but with the same rotation so if you were doing a nose dive into the water you end up doing another nose dive into the water so it takes a few crashes to stop this happening. It would be good if when you crash it ends the game and then lets you restart.
That said, i'm sure this is just an early version you're showing and you're planning on improving a lot of things anyway!
The FPS i was getting was around 428 with a 3 gHz processor and 1 gb of ram (not sure about the graphics card...).
No houses or even islands? Well that is kinda of bug... It uses directx9 but i guess thats not the problem... Could you fire bullets and see them? Could you hear them?
Yeah the crash is not supposed to work like that in the final game:) You can also crash into the ground but it doesnt seem to load on your system (its simple terrainnodes, made from heightmap-bmp in the gfx folder)
Yes the sea is crap, i need to get into that more i know. I've tried the animated sea node but it totally chews my machine even if i only use a small patch of it.
I do see the houses though the movement is a bit funny - I didn't knew an airplane can stop and fly like a helicopter though for alpha version it's very nice.
I can fire the projectiles and see them no problem, not sure if i could hear them as i didn't have sound on.
Yeah the animated water does slow things down quite a bit, i guess it's not an optimal implementation, rather just shows you how you could do it or something nice for a little demo.
I guess it calculates sin/cos values for every vertex, every frame, which could be rather costly, a better way to do it would be to create a table of sin/cos values at start up and then read from the table during rendering, much faster!
JP wrote:I guess it calculates sin/cos values for every vertex, every frame, which could be rather costly, a better way to do it would be to create a table of sin/cos values at start up and then read from the table during rendering, much faster!
Moving table data into L1 cache == profile it before making such a claim.
Well it's working now... Maybe i messed up at the start and went flying off over the sea and hence got too far away from the islands and houses to see them?
I have to say it's a pretty fun game, best of luck with it!
I have a fear that you are creating something, and not deleteing it later on in a loop or something. I played the game for the first time, actually trying to win, and it all of a sudden crashed for no reason. I then proceeded to investigate, and I played through the game 2 times without modifying anything, and just flying around, and it crashed both times.
By the way, how did you do that camera. That's very professional, great job.
yeah there is i crash that i know of (when im not finding the within the heightmap for getHeight()).
The cam was hard! I will clean it up and post it. It moves after the target, but also moves every tick acording to rotation before applying this ticks rotation. Its hard to explain.