I've put this model viewer in my sourceforge site, and the main.cpp as been worked on to have includes now. Each file is classified with their appropriates functions. The original main.cpp file was being hard to manage. (with my modification was more than 1400+ lines)
Here is the current includes file organisation inside the project
(If youre not using DEVC++, this is a good reference to setup the files for your compiler)
Here are the current features:
- Multiples viewmodes: 4 Viewport, Single view: perspective, top, front, side views
- Animation tool for defining and playing animated mesh
- Lighting tools to add shadow volume on the mesh and remove it
- Support multiple meshes loading in a single scene
- selector window to select the mesh and modify them, place them.
- Have a selection tool to select the mesh to animate
- Can move the mesh directly with the mouse in 4 viewport mode
- Can also move, rotate, scale mesh with a numeric panel
- Edition can be done in all views including perspective.
- Configuration file can change the display mode (full screen, windowed, resolution can be set or desktop resolution can be choosen)
Also, the driver can be defined before loading the application there (OpenGL / DirectX / Software -(Burning))
Some details:
- Panning the view in the orthogonal view take place with the left mouse button. Right mouse button in perspective view, rotation is done with left mouse button for perspective view.
- Zooming is done with the mouse wheel. (all views)
Does a Mac have a wheel on it's mouse? Anybody tried to compile on the Mac?
Perspective mode:
- Moving, rotating, and scale are possible in this view now.
In move mode, right mouse button does move in Y axis. Left mouse move in X,Z.
In scale mode, the mousewheel scale the model
In rotate mode, the right mouse button rotate the Z axis. Left mouse move the X,Z
EDIT: Changes (Sun 2 march, 2008)
- Added a new file selector to the application (filetypes icons + file filters)
- Added the capability to save/load IRRScenes
For the moment saved Scene must be in the application folder
(Relative path problem to fix, Item added are based on the application path)
Here are the current screenshots:The new file selector in action:
Perspective moving, rotating, and scaling using the mouse:
Quad view editing (Right panel can be hidden with TAB key):
Viewing options on models:
This file contain, the source and a binary, dowload from sourceforge:
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/first- ... e=16330840[img]
EDIT: /UPDATE: 29/07/2008/
This current editor will not be continued as it is now. I'm completely rewriting it because my coding style was very bad, separated some components in includes but didnt' created them in classes, so lots of mistakes. A good rewrite is in order, so it will be easier to maintain.
Was able to recompile the source on Microsoft Visual C++ express 2008, and fixed some warning and compiler error so it would work. The source archive now contain a MSVC project. But about nothing else changed.
There is still an issue with paths with the file manager. You can enter the path manually and it should work.
Produced a new binary with MSVC express 2008.
Here is the link to the source: (1.17Mb)
Here is the link to the binary release: (2.32MB)
When a new release of the rewritten application will come up, I'll will create another thread for it. This current editor is still functionnal for Windows and could be useful.