Need ideas on how to rebuild scene paths...

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Need ideas on how to rebuild scene paths...

Post by christianclavet »

Hi. I would like to have ideas on how I could rebuild the relative path of all node in a scene.

I base the relative path from the application path (found a way to do that)

But when I save the scene, I would like to base the Base of the relative path to where I save the scene. At the moment I don't event know if we can change the Node mesh path once it's as been loaded.

This is needed to put in my editor.
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Post by christianclavet »

Thanks for this info Bitplane.

For the moment, what I'll do is FIX the path in the main working directory and put a flag to now allow browsing while having the save requester. (Could perhaps put a requester warning that the path CANNOT be changed after is as been set.

I could then do a NEW item in my menu that simply put a file requester to choose a working path, clear the current scene. And will later be the path where the scene will be saved. This should work fine. I'll try to check the thread about your UML system implementation. (I'd like to have ZIP browsing in the file requester and your system seem to permit listing archives.)

Could we have a command to create a directory/Delete files(dirs)?
If this be in your UML system, we could use that in the file requester, as also listing current drives. Not really useful is you use IRRlicht to create a game, but really needed if you use IRRlicht to write a tool.
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