More textures layers?

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Posts: 222
Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:10 am

More textures layers?

Post by jingquan »

Having 4 textures layers for a material seems to be too little nowadays. Is it possible for Irrlicht to support 8 or even more? For my lighting shader, I had used up all 4 for quite some nice looking lighting, but I would like to add in a lot more for realism and details.

BTW, is it possible to have Nadro's MRT Support included with the next release?

Having these implemented in Irrlicht would be just great, as it'll probably get into IrrCP as well. (right now patches aren't :cry: )
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Location: Oldenburg(Oldb), Germany

Post by hybrid »

Extending over 4 textures has some minor architecture problems right now, because we have to deal with the ENUMs for texture matrices in some way. We haven't worked on this problem, yet.
The MRT patch will probably not go into the next release, because we weill have to reorganize the API first, and add some other stuff for a more complete integration into the library design.
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