doubts on light

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The unholy
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doubts on light

Post by The unholy »

:P I am using radiant, currently I designed a level and saved it as .bsp
When I took it to irrlicht it seems bla... :cry:
Can I design a level without light in bsp format and can apply light on that level thru irrlicht ! Thus can I get better shadow effects
Light is my way. I am following the light!

8) My new project with smart whiz will upload soon, an RTS named
"Herald of Chaos"
The unholy
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Post by The unholy »

No one is there to help this baby :cry:
irrrr.... :evil:
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Post by arras »

virtual ILightSceneNode* irr::scene::ISceneManager::addLightSceneNode (...)
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Post by smartwhiz »

no sorry it wouldn't help u in givin a dynamic light effect on to the GTK made bsp walls
Actually it is not implemented yet
The unholy
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Post by The unholy »

mine is radiant,
My question is can I add light in the level, it is because i need shadow effet,

I cant create shadow in my level
I develpd a .bsp level and the lights are added through the level editor. When I render the level the lights are there but no realism.
My doubt is can I add light to my level by coding. If so pls write the full code Pls!

Irrlicht gods .....pls help me....

Light is my strenght!
The unholy
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Post by The unholy »

:roll: No one knows about Light?

FPS is like a porn movie, who cares the story?

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Post by afecelis »

I don't know what you mean about mapping with Gtkradiant and using the lightmaps it bakes on the textures. If you want to use dynamic lights and shadows then you must consider a different file format from bsp for your 3d level. But you can also work on a combination of both. Use a lightmapped bsp and then add some extra models, lights, particles etc that reinforce the baked lightmap of the bsp in Irrlicht.

I don't think lightmaps compiled in Gtkradiant are that bad! ... /light.jpg
Last edited by afecelis on Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The unholy
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Post by The unholy »

Brother, I designed a room in radiant and I am not so happy with its lights

Can you help .... Which is the file format that I have to choose... name the editor also

FPS is like a porn movie! Who cares the story?

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Post by satan »

I know what u mean "The Unholy". I made a very simple level in Q3 Radient. It doesn't even have a single shader. All are textures. When I compile it into a BSP and run it in Q3, the lightmaps come so smooth. Then I put that same BSP in the Irrlicht engine. Since BSPs contain lightmap information, there's no question of re-lighting it. So when I put it in Irrlicht and render it, the lightmap comes to very much pixelleted. Since the BSP is same, it has something to do with the engine rendering. Is the in-game rendering in Q3 better than the ingame rendering of Irrlicht. If yes, what is that component which is making the lightmap look so smooth in Q3 and not so smooth in Irrlicht? :cry:
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Post by dingo »

First thing - make sure when you compile your BSP you turn on all the lighting options - the longer it takes to compile the lights the more realism you'll get when you render it in Irrlicht.

ie if you only do a quick light pass the BSP compiler will only make blocky results but if you use superbounce and all the other options then the lightmaps should be blocky at all (well almost).

The other thing you could do is compile the BSP without any light computations but still place lights in the map then read in the entity info and pull out the light info and add lights in Irrlicht based on the info you pulled from the entity list. Of course add more than a few lights and your frame rate is going to be crap.

I suggest you try and compile the lights better in Radiant or whatever you use and then import that info - still highly realistic and without any shaders etc.
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Post by satan »

Thanx for ur quick reply Dingo. I'll surely try that now and tell u guys tomorrow what result I came up with. :D . Also I didn't understand that superbounce part. Cd u explain that part a bit. I wd appreciate that :P
Underestimation is the Key to Failure.
The unholy
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Post by The unholy »

:twisted: Hello SATAN,
I am also an Indian! Kaisa hein bhai?
I am from Kerala

I too need more clarifications dear dingo :cry:

:twisted: FPS is like a porn movie! Who cares the story?

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Post by dingo »

Below is a screen shot from GTK Radiant 1.4.0 using the "Edit Q3" mode.
It shows all the built in (to GTK that is) BSP compiler options - BTW you can add to these if you need to but these are the default.

I don't know but I think "super" relates to radiosity (advanced realistic light technique) and bounce is how many times the ray tracing(I think) should go before dying

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Post by c_olin3404 »

the reason it looks crappy in irrlicht is because in irrlicht, the textures are automaticly 16 bit, and they should be 32 bit, there is a fix for it.
The unholy
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Post by The unholy »

Thx..let me try..
I am ina hurry..
My mom's leg get fractured... so I am with her at hospital.... :cry:
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