Problem with Bullet animator 0.2

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Problem with Bullet animator 0.2

Post by VagueNess »


I've downloaded the serializable Bullet animator.
When I tried compiling it (with MSVC++ 2008), I get these errors:
c:\documents and settings\******\mijn documenten\visual studio 2008\projects\game\game\gminigolfapp.cpp(84) : error C2259: 'CWorldEditorGUI' : cannot instantiate abstract class
due to following members:
'bool irr::IEventReceiver::OnEvent(const irr::SEvent &)' : is abstract
c:\irrlicht-1.4\include\ieventreceiver.h(256) : see declaration of 'irr::IEventReceiver::OnEvent'
c:\documents and settings\******\mijn documenten\visual studio 2008\projects\game\game\gminigolfapp.cpp(92) : error C2259: 'irr::scene::CBulletAnimatorManager' : cannot instantiate abstract class
due to following members:
'irr::u32 irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorFactory::getCreatableSceneNodeAnimatorTypeCount(void) const' : is abstract
c:\irrlicht-1.4\include\iscenenodeanimatorfactory.h(48) : see declaration of 'irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorFactory::getCreatableSceneNodeAnimatorTypeCount'
'irr::scene::ESCENE_NODE_ANIMATOR_TYPE irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeAnimatorType(irr::u32) const' : is abstract
c:\irrlicht-1.4\include\iscenenodeanimatorfactory.h(53) : see declaration of 'irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeAnimatorType'
'const irr::c8 *irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeAnimatorTypeName(irr::scene::ESCENE_NODE_ANIMATOR_TYPE) const' : is abstract
c:\irrlicht-1.4\include\iscenenodeanimatorfactory.h(63) : see declaration of 'irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeAnimatorTypeName'
'const irr::c8 *irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeAnimatorTypeName(irr::u32) const' : is abstract
c:\irrlicht-1.4\include\iscenenodeanimatorfactory.h(58) : see declaration of 'irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeAnimatorTypeName'

c:\documents and settings\******\mijn documenten\visual studio 2008\projects\game\game\main.cpp(8) : error C2259: 'GMiniGolfApp' : cannot instantiate abstract class
due to following members:
'bool irr::IEventReceiver::OnEvent(const irr::SEvent &)' : is abstract
c:\irrlicht-1.4\include\ieventreceiver.h(256) : see declaration of 'irr::IEventReceiver::OnEvent'

c:\documents and settings\joshua willems\mijn documenten\visual studio 2008\projects\game\game\cworldeditorgui.cpp(268) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'irr::core::list<T>::ConstIterator' to 'irr::core::list<T>::Iterator'
T=irr::scene::ISceneNode *
No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous
Can someone help?
Sorry for any bad English, I'm Dutch.
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Post by Halifax »

Well I will take a guess as to why this doesn't work:
'bool irr::IEventReceiver::OnEvent(const irr::SEvent &)' : is abstract
I am guessing that there is a:

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virtual bool OnEvent(irr::SEvent event)
instead of

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virtual bool OnEvent(const irr::SEvent& event)
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Post by VagueNess »

I get the same error if i change it to:

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bool CWorldEditorGUI::OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
Sorry for any bad English, I'm Dutch.
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Post by hybrid »

Well, that solved one of the problems, but there remain several others. You have to adjust your app to the latest API, otherwise some pure virtual methods will exist. Check for const qualifiers and s32/u32 differences.
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Post by VagueNess »

@hybrid: Actually, none of the problems is solved yet. :(
Sorry for any bad English, I'm Dutch.
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Post by rogerborg »

'irr::scene::CBulletAnimatorManager' : cannot instantiate abstract class
due to following members:
'irr::u32 irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorFactory::getCreatableSceneNodeAnimatorTypeCount(void) const' : is abstract
This is telling you that your CBulletAnimatorManager implementation does not have a method that exactly matches:

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u32 getCreatableSceneNodeAnimatorTypeCount(void) const
So do you have an exact implementation of this method? Does it return a u32 rather than an i32? Is it a const method?
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