help converting IMesh node to IAnimatedMeshSceneNode node

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help converting IMesh node to IAnimatedMeshSceneNode node

Post by kennypu666 »

hi, the title says it all, but I need help on converting a IMesh to a IAnimatedMeshSceneNode. I know its a very nooby question but I need help.

the code i need help with is here:

Code: Select all

             IMesh* roommesh = smgr->getMesh(roommesh_name.c_str())->getMesh(0);

            ITriangleSelector* field1_selector = smgr->createOctTreeTriangleSelector( roommesh,roommesh_node,128);
roommesh_node is a octtree, but since I loaded it from a .irr file, and the 1st parameter of createOctTree() would be wrong since roommesh isn't a AnimatedMeshSceneNode. can any one help me? thanks in advance,
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