how can use addOctTreeSceneNode for meshes being part of an .irr file.
i tried
// IMeshCache* mMeshCache=irrSceneMgr->getMeshCache();
// int NumMeshes=mMeshCache->getMeshCount();
// scene::ISceneNode* node = 0;
// for (int i=0;i<NumMeshes;i++){
// IAnimatedMesh*MyMesh=mMeshCache->getMeshByIndex(i);
// node = irrSceneMgr->addOctTreeSceneNode(MyMesh, 0, -1, 128);
// }
now the mesh gets reloaded, correctly with the octree, but i have two copies. the octree copy seems to be much smaller (maybe because of scaling in blender)
this didn' take the first copy (originating from the irr- file) away.
// mMeshCache->removeMesh(MyMesh);
is createOctTreeTriangleSelector used for this?