Anyone got a fix for rotating billboards?

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Anyone got a fix for rotating billboards?

Post by c_olin3404 »

I've seen a bit of talk about how it is impossible to rotate a billboard... and this kinda sucks for all of us making fps's... all i need to do is rotate the billboard along the z axis... has anyone created a fix for this? i looked into fixing it myself but i only screwed it up more :oops:
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Post by thesmileman »

Ummm....doesn't a billboard always face the camera? I am pretty sure that it does. Try it.

Post by Guest »

:P ... i know.. lol

I mean rotate it along the z axis

Post by calimero »

unfortunatly I have no answer but I'm interested in the problem.
Will irrlicht support rotating billboard in a next version ?
And what about axial billboard (not sure of the name) (example : to implement object with cylindrical symetry like some trees)
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Post by StuCollier »

Do you mean to create DECALS ? OR do you want the "billboard" to rotate around the Z Axis ?
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Post by calimero »

I put some code in the "opendiscussion" forum to implement "axial" billboard. please try it to see if it suits your needs.

for rotation along the Z axis you have to set the "orientation" vector to something like vector3df(0,0,length).
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