Can we use bone in irrlicth ? [Solved]

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Can we use bone in irrlicth ? [Solved]

Post by armzajetset »

Hi ^^
I managed to make my human model and make it animate on my app.

It's work cause i use biped, and then i made a new animal model and export in .x format .. it's looking good on 3ds max and Truevision Engine Meshviewer then i open it up on DxMview and it's not display properly (with bad animation) how to solve this ?

because biped is design for 2 legs and what about 4 ?

ps. sry for bad english ....^^
thank you ...
Last edited by armzajetset on Thu May 08, 2008 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zeuss »

Irrlicht has only recently got skinned mesh (as of 1.4 I do believe) and the .x format has some teething trouble still. I am guessing you are using the Truevision .x exporter, I havn't personally used that with Irrlicht so I don't know how effective it is.

I would not worry about DxMview, Irrlicht probably doesnt load it in the same fashion and has its own parser for .x files.

You can try kwxport for 3ds max as another exporter , b3d is supported quite well by Irrlicht so you can give the b3d exporter for max a go as well
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Post by armzajetset »

I figured it out that i copy some of bone into other direction so there is an error.. anyway it solve by create every bone with your hand .. not to copy them ...

I tried b3d and realize that it's a great format but still have some problem... I used physique not Skin so it's not working and I think that's too hard for use skin modifier for model ?

thank you ^^
ps. I using irr 1.2 cuz there're less problem with x model
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Post by Zeuss »

The standard now is to use skin, physique is more of a legacy feature, most models in games are now skinned rather and physiqued.

If you don't use Irrlicht 1.4 then you will only have vertex animations, and will not have any access to the bones in Irrlicht as they do not exist, but if gets you what you need then why change.
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Post by armzajetset »

I thought about upgrading for a while...
but that means bunch of code to modify ...
I'll try it anyway thanks ...

ps. access to the bones , you means i can manage (or control) movements of the bones?
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