Few questions about OIS

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Few questions about OIS

Post by Gogolian »

I am trying to do simple and good joystick/gamepad mapping.
For now i tried SDL but there are few problems for example that you must Init SDL's Video Mode that is mostly unused (only recieve events) problems with axiss when both should be used and low compatibility with irrlicht (maybe i have bugs in code but whatever ;) )

I wonder if OIS is good for input mapping.
Maybe someone worked with both OIS and SDL, and have something to say.

Are there any tutorial's to OIS?
Maybe someone can provide any code snippets.

And one more question.
I can't find the doc's :oops: Can anyone tell me where the official documentation is?
(On official sourceforge site there isn't any)
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Post by marcos »

I wouldn't recommend you using SDL, (IMHO) it's quite old an outdated. As far as I know, everybody who cans moves to a diferent library. :P

I hope this helps:
(It's the OGRE wiki but the examples are engine independent)

Posts: 32
Joined: Sat May 17, 2008 10:49 pm

Post by Gogolian »

thanks think it will help a lot... after i'm done with propertly compiling OIS in DevC++ ;)
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