I am trying to create some form of terrain for my game. It needs to be a level plain with a single fairly wide valley through the middle of it. I want each side of the valley to be nearly vertical.
I have tried creating several heightmaps to no success - usually most bear no resemblance to what i want, or dont display, or display a flat level ?!
If somebody could draw me it, or explain exactly how to do it thta would be awesome - i have tried using Hme but its so incredibly simple I dont see how I am going wrong.
I comes with a couple of extensions that you can use as a base which you can modify to get your desired terrain. The two lower left and upper right ones:
Those extensions can be found in the GIMP main windows under: "Xtns->Pattern->Land", "Xtns->Pattern->FlatLand" and ""Xtns->Pattern->Land"
In case you use the terrain scene node (and not the method addTerrainMesh) you're limited to 129x129 pixels for the heightmap. Moreover, the heightmap must be 2^n+1 in both directions for some n. The terrainmesh is not limited in size.
ok.. one thing to note is that the heightmap u are providing(im talking about the one above) will look like a big prism with 2 holes/valeys inside... so u wont see anything... a heightmap should have... black in the lower parts and white on the higher parts... passing by gray inbetween...
about the texture... im guessing it will only put the texture on the faces u are suposed to see the texture... in this case... the top of the prism and inside the 2 wholes.. also... u need to disable lights or put some lights in the scene to see something...
I cannot seem to create the correct heightmap having tried multiple times - they just dont appear how I would have thought - even using the cloud feature of Paint.NET I dont know how to edit it, without completly ruining it.
Can you provide an example which is fairly narrow about 200 wide and 600 long with a valley running through the middle, i.e a lower section.