possible bug in irr::core::map

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possible bug in irr::core::map

Post by aallison »

I am not sure if this is a bug, but I am crashing from the following line in irrMap.h (line 593):

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Node* newNodesUncle = newNode->getParent()->getParent()->getLeftChild();
Is it guaranteed that the node in question has a grandparent? I am not familiar enough with Red/Black trees to know. I am getting a NULL pointer exception occasionally. Is it assumed that not very much rearranging of the tree is going on? Thanks.

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Post by greenya »

Instead of

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Node* newNodesUncle = newNode->getParent()->getParent()->getLeftChild(); 
Try next

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Node* newNodesUncle1 = newNode->getParent();
Node* newNodesUncle2 = newNodesUncle1->getParent();
Node* newNodesUncle3 = newNodesUncle2->getLeftChild();
You will get again NULL exception but the line (in Debug mode) your IDE must show to you.
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Post by xDan »

I seem to have this same bug... I'm using irrlicht 1.4 but the lines @593 don't seem to be different in 1.4.1

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Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0040c2e4 in irr::core::map<int, modules::MaterialInteraction>::RBTree<int, mod
ules::MaterialInteraction>::getLeftChild() const (this=0x0)
    at libraries/irrlicht-1.4/irrMap.h:52
52                      RBTree* getLeftChild() const    { return LeftChild; }

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(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x0040c220 in irr::core::map<int, modules::MaterialInteraction>::RBTree<int,
 modules::MaterialInteraction>::getLeftChild() const (this=0x0)
    at libraries/irrlicht-1.4/irrMap.h:52
#1  0x00407117 in irr::core::map<int, modules::MaterialInteraction>::insert(int
const&, modules::MaterialInteraction const&) (this=0x3d43d0,
    keyNew=@0x4aa6fc0, v=@0x22f7cc) at libraries/irrlicht-1.4/irrMap.h:593
#2  0x00406c60 in irr::core::map<int, modules::MaterialInteraction>::set(int con
st&, modules::MaterialInteraction const&) (this=0x3d43d0, k=@0x4aa6fc0,
    v=@0x22f7cc) at libraries/irrlicht-1.4/irrMap.h:636
The crash only occurs after I have added and then removed several keys from the map.
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Post by piiichan »

I also have a bug with map:

Get the following error when calling insert()
Access violation reading location 0x00000000.
(looks like it is trying to dereference a NULL pointer)

Then the debugger brings me to line 52 of irrmap.h

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RBTree* getLeftChild() const	{ return LeftChild; }
It happens when I first insert at least 2 objects, then remove them, then try to insert them back again.

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Post by xDan »

Well since I too have no knowledge of red black trees I made a simple replacement using core::array to use until some kind soul fixes it ;)

It doesn't have all functionality but enough for my needs. Maybe someone elses too!

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#ifndef SLOWMAP_H
#define SLOWMAP_H

// This is just hacked up quickly as there seemed to be some bug with
// Irrlicht's map class. Hopefully that will get fixed then should
// change back to using map.
template <class KeyType, class ValueType>
class SlowMap
    struct KeyMap
        KeyType key;
        ValueType value;
    core::array<KeyMap> mappings;
    void set(KeyType key, ValueType value)
        for (u16 i = 0; i < mappings.size(); i ++)
            if (mappings[i].key == key)
                mappings[i].value = value;
        KeyMap mapping;
        mapping.key = key;
        mapping.value = value;
    bool insert(KeyType key, ValueType value)
        for (u16 i = 0; i < mappings.size(); i ++)
            if (mappings[i].key == key)
                return false;
        KeyMap mapping;
        mapping.key = key;
        mapping.value = value;
        return true;
    void clear()
    void remove(KeyType key)
        for (u16 i = 0; i < mappings.size(); i ++)
            if (mappings[i].key == key)
    ValueType operator[](KeyType key)
        for (u16 i = 0; i < mappings.size(); i ++)
            if (mappings[i].key == key)
                return mappings[i].value;
        throw (const char *)"SlowMap: key not found.";

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