Screen Dumping?

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Posts: 32
Joined: Sat May 17, 2008 10:49 pm

Screen Dumping?

Post by Gogolian »

Hey, i wanted to do something like fade out, or various fade out effects.
Is there any way to capture whole rendered screen and save it for example in ITexture?
And maybe you know some trics how to draw/split/move part of this texture.
Let's say my goal is to do something like "screen crash" before any battle in FFX.
Here's how it looks:
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Post by JP »

Check out the RenderToTexture example in the SDK, it shows you how to render the scene into a texture so that you can then do those things you require. Although i imagine a shader would make it easier to do those things (though you'd still need to render to texture first and then pass the texture to the shader).

There is also a createScreenshot function (in smgr, driver or device, not sure which) which you can use to create a screenshot to be able to save it to a file.
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Post by Gogolian »

yes i found it myself earlier (createScreenShot) but you replied before me ;) Thanks anyway. Now i am getting to clean up all code i have to this point cause it got really dirty from trying various things.
I think few more days and i can officially annoucne about my project. (yes, learning irrlicht's basics will be over).
I already managed to gather around some team (1 Beta tester, 1 Programist (i hope he won't stop learning c++), 1 designer, 1 "animation man" (flexible guy who will be jumping around and wil be video-taped, then videos will be the basics for animtion), and me ;) )
And my sentence: "The project will be dead ONLY if you give up"
And the darkness begun...
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