I'd like to create a glow on a screen node with OpenGL (simple rectangle) it seems this can be done by RTT and GLSL shaders but I'm not smart enough to get it working
I'm wondering if anyone else has done something similar and can give an example of the .cpp and vert/frag (note: I don't want to use a billboard)
here is an example from FX Composer and the Nvidia shader library of the effect I'm after it does multiple passes and uses a glow-map RTT method:
Thanks Halifax
I gave that a go but I too have an ATI card (x1600 in a Macbook Pro), you mentioned at the end of the other post that you had this working, any chance of posting your final shader files as I have made the changes mentioned in the post and recompiled without any errors but I don't get any bloom/blur effects when running the demo?
Another thing will I be able to just blur a selected node with this method, do I set the render target to the node or apply a specific texture to the glowing node and blur that texture?