Hi, sorry for "Hijacking" this thread, i was playing around with BlindSide's code, so here is some modded code ( not in the shaders, just in the .cpp, in the shaders i just changed a constant value and made it a variable )
actually made it a EMT_TRANSPARENT_REFLECTION_2_LAYER and removed the 0 layer texture ( RTTTex ). added also an RTTTex->drop()
http://irrlichtirc.g0dsoft.com/Ogami_It ... s2-0.1.rar
this results in some kind of fake reflection ( doesn't come out of the shader ). feel free to use it
here is an image :
there is one issue with this shader ( and also elvman's one about realistic water ) : if you play with Harshness values ( look at the shader ) and have a relatively small value ( close to 0 ) you will notice this problem :
( it is also present with HarshNess = 2.0 ) but not very visible
there is one more issue, if you move the camera up, the change of the glass reflection from terrain to sky, doesn't take place smoothly