I do not see any code which actually changes vertex color alpha and set it to transparent. If your vertices are not transparent, setting material to EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA will do nothing.
I see, is there anyway i can just call GetSceneNode()->getMaterial( 0 ).AmbientColor.setAlpha( 100 ) and will make the whole mesh appear transparent? without having to iterate over all vertices and such?
Create a mesh copy for each one? If there are too many vertices to do y setVertexColor in each frame it seems like the only option. Or create separate textures and use alpha channel transparency, would require separate textures for each mesh, though.
Check out the shader example in the SDK (Number 10), that shows how to very easily manipulate alpha using shaders in Irrlicht.
You can create a vertex-only shader, and use as it's base material (The second to last parameter) EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA, then output whatever vertex color you want based on a shader uniform. To use a vertex-only shader just use NULL for the pixel shader filename parameter in "addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles". Vertex-only shaders are even supported on MX440's so you don't really have to worry about compatibility in this case.
ShadowMapping for Irrlicht!: Get it here
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