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Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:53 am

Post by torleif »

As a programmer you will soon learn that the build will always fail or crash when your boss wants to see it

The best coders that are out there don't spend their time coding. It's code test test test test coffee break test.

RustyNail: It's never a good thing to throw code away. Write forks and combine the best results together, so you will end up with mega leetness =D
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Joined: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:36 am
Location: Scotland - gonnae no slag aff mah Engleesh

Post by rogerborg »

torleif wrote:The best coders that are out there don't spend their time coding. It's code test test test test coffee break test.
Gather requirements, question the requirements, question them again, Irn Bru break, question them again, get them in writing, do initial time estimate, tell the user what they can actually get in the time frame that they want, Irn Bru break, last chance to change the requirements, BANG, carve them in stone.

The rest is pretty easy.
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