Hello everybody,
I got some wired problems with the EDT_SOFTWARE and EDT_BURNINGVIDEOS driver tryed to solve this for 2 days now and got no solution.
1st to the EDT_SOFTWARE problem:
I want to a plane under my game to check for collision with my MouseCursor but if one vertex is outside the screen it gets culled whole same with node->setAutomaticCulling(EAC_OFF).
I read through the forums and read that i should use EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO so i did.
after i changed tho this renderer all textures where scaled up to the number which is the next power of 2. all Button textures won´t fit. If i scale them to a small number of 2 (64x32) the image would be to small and didn´t clamp to the button edges if the texture is to big it gets clipped.
The same happens with my background images.
I knew it is a bit noobisch but how can i fit the smaller / larger textures in the buttons / screen?
Thx 4 help and sry for my english
Problem with software renderer
Hmm dont´t know if this is a bug or why i get moved but i provid some screenshots of the render issue.
Here is a pic of the software renderer (renders the menu well):
EDT_SOFTWARE screenshot
and here is a pic of the burningsvideo renderer where the textures are oversized:
and here is the code that renders the background image:
as mentined before with the software renderer it looks all nice but with BurningsVideo the textures scale up or if i use smaller ones they wouldnt fit the screen or buttons. How can i avoid this or clamp the textures.
or how can i avoid clipping in edt_software mode, EAC_OFF isn´t working for me
Here is a pic of the software renderer (renders the menu well):
EDT_SOFTWARE screenshot
and here is a pic of the burningsvideo renderer where the textures are oversized:
and here is the code that renders the background image:
Code: Select all
int alpha=255;
if (center)
tex_pos.X=(SCREEN_RES_X-tex_size.Height) /2;
tex_pos.Y=(SCREEN_RES_Y-tex_size.Width) /2;
if (tex_pos.X < 0) tex_pos.X=0;
if (tex_pos.Y < 0) tex_pos.Y=0;
or how can i avoid clipping in edt_software mode, EAC_OFF isn´t working for me
thx for your answer hybrid
Now i get the original size but i can´t use it correct with draw2DImage it still looks the same ( i only get the upper left part of the texture displayed on screen).
I think now i render just the visible part on the screen but the tex is still overstreched and wont´t fit in my screen or button.
I´m sure there is a way to fit the textures in my sceens and buttons this properly but i got no clue how to do it ot tried it already.
Now i get the original size but i can´t use it correct with draw2DImage it still looks the same ( i only get the upper left part of the texture displayed on screen).
I think now i render just the visible part on the screen but the tex is still overstreched and wont´t fit in my screen or button.
I´m sure there is a way to fit the textures in my sceens and buttons this properly but i got no clue how to do it ot tried it already.