Documentation Suggestions

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Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:12 am

Documentation Suggestions

Post by wyrmmage »

Hello again :)
I have a couple of suggestions that I believe will improve the documentation a bit:

in irr::video::IVideoDriver for function

Code: Select all

virtual void irr::video::IVideoDriver::draw2DImage  (  const video::ITexture *  texture,  
  const core::rect< s32 > &  destRect,  
  const core::rect< s32 > &  sourceRect,  
  const core::rect< s32 > *  clipRect = 0,  
  video::SColor *  colors = 0,  
  bool  useAlphaChannelOfTexture = false 
 )  [pure virtual]
It would be nice if there was something to the effect of "If sourceRect is not specified, it will default to destRect" in the documentation. I spent about half an hour trying to figure out why my textures were being clipped instead of scaled when I didn't specify sourceRect; a beginner's mistake, for sure, but I think this might be helpful to some people :)

In irr::core::rect<T> for functions -, +, -=, and +=

Something to the effect of "Moves the rectangle the amount specified in pos" would be nice; these operations could just as easily call addInternalPoint, so I had to look at the source to make sure it didn't.

If these are deemed helpful, I can submit a patch if you'd like :)

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