New to irrlicht

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New to irrlicht

Post by Pakje »

hello, i'm making a rts game for my end-school project and im planning to use irrlicht for it. so i got a couple of questions some of them might sound a bit noobish btw ...

1. is it possible to make a 2d rts (or 3d rts games for that matter) with irrlicht?
2. i know this isnt a pure game engine but is it possible to add ai or network support?
3. i do can put sound+physics in the game?
4. did any1 wrote a book about coding in irrlicht yet?
5. does the last irrlicht version support dev c++?

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Post by kingdutch »

Hello Pakje

1. yes there should be a tutorial on an RTS camera, look it up in the irrlicht tutorials section
2. I wouldn't know of any but most likely there'll ne a networking/ai class you can implement. Irrlicht is designed in a way that it is the graphics engine allowing you to easily use it along side other classes and functions.
3. There are various tutorials about physics on the forum and in the tutorial section. About sound I wouldn't know, of course it'd be possible! But you'd have to find a sound library or something I think. (That's not my field so yeh can't help you there)
4. I have no idea
5. Yes it certainly does, I'm going to refer to the tutorial section again ;)


Ps. are you dutch? :p
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Post by jontan6 »

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Joined: Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:42 am

Post by Pakje »

lol how did you know im dutch?

and thx for all the help
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Post by FreakNigh »

so who's writing the book

CvIrrCamController - 3D head tracking lib to create window effect with webcam
IrrAR - Attach Irrlicht nodes to real life markers
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Post by DtD »

1. Of course ^_^
2. Yes, but you'd have to add on another libary. I know there is IrrAI, but it is still in development.
3. Physics: You'll need to get a physics libary, such as Newton Game Physics
Audio: Since this is a school projects, I'd just go with IrrKlang, but another option is OpenAL (but expect alot of extra work with it)
4. Not that I know of, but there are lots of tutorials, a very nice documentation, and this great community. (This is probably one of the nicest programming communities I've even seen!)
5. I don't see why it wouldn't. However, a quick search on the forums hinted the some people have problems with the "Stable" versions of DevC++. You really should go with something more advanced like Microsoft Visual Studio, or Code::Blocks.

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