Can we free those memory?

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Can we free those memory?

Post by armzajetset »

I'm using IrrKlang. Everything seems fine when I play the sound. But there's one thing. The number of memory usage rocket up everytime the sound play.

Code: Select all

sp = Sfx->play2D(music);
Just load and play it. I've read something about "stop" but how to use it ?

This problem is affected to mesh file. When I load my level on the scene and change map (delete old scene) the memory usage doesn't decrease. Also AVI file when I play it for second time and memory usage is rising up! Am I do anything wrong with those pointer ?

This problem occur even in IrrKlang Example itself.

This is my full class of sound effect.

Code: Select all

class SoundEffect
	ISoundSource* music;
	ISound* sp;
	bool is_stop;

	char *files;
	float Volume;
	// Set Sound
	void Load(char file[50]){
		music = Sfx->getSoundSource(file);
	void Del(){

	// Stop Sound All
	void Stop(){

	// Play Sound
	void Play(){
		sp = Sfx->play2D(music);

	// Set Volume take 0-100 
	void SetVol(int rate){
Maybe just like


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Post by rogerborg »

IrrKlang question? IrrKlang forums.

I've made several attempts to compose an answer to this, but I'm not entirely sure what the problem is.

ISoundEngine::play2D() shouldn't be returning an ISound* (so your Del() method will crash). If it is returning an ISound*, then that's a bug in IrrKlang, at least according to its own API documentation. If it is returning an ISound*, then you must (again, according to its API) drop() it when you're done with it.

ISoundEngine::getSoundSource() apparently shouldn't be loading the raw resource multiple times, and shouldn't be dropped() but again, I'm not entirely clear on what's going on internally.
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Post by armzajetset »

Sorry I'll explain this over again (sry again about my language. I'm not native speaker.) Here's example. When I play something like click sound (on my GUI, you know when the curser move or something like that.) First memory usage is at 4000 and then I move my cursor again it increase to 4004 and 4008 and so on ...

That may cause the crash when I move my cursor in huge number of times. My question is " is there a way to load sound into buffer just once and play it back again and again with no memory usage increasing ? "
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Post by rogerborg »

rogerborg wrote:IrrKlang question? IrrKlang forums.
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Post by armzajetset »

rogerborg wrote:I've made several attempts to compose an answer to this, but I'm not entirely sure what the problem is.
rogerberg wrote: but again, I'm not entirely clear on what's going on internally.

Anyway thanks!!
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Post by rogerborg »

I notice that you still haven't asked your question in the IrrKlang forum. If you're having trouble posting there, then you can contact Niko directly to let him know that there's a problem with the Ambiera forums.
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Post by armzajetset »

I didn't ask because there's a thread which asking the same question. So I've put my queastion in that thread (once again).
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