Switching Game Screens

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Switching Game Screens

Post by TN »

I feel a little sheepish asking this, but I can't find good examples or figure it out from the API.

My simple game boots to a screen, written using Irrlicht's wonderful gui, that allows you to load a saved game. Once selected I want to switch over to the actual engine. How can I switch cleanly from one screen, or maybe scene is a better word, to another?

Thanks for any help,

Total Newbie(TN).
Posts: 16
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2004 1:42 am

Post by Mindl »

I had the same problem when I started working in the engine, but there is a good example program just sitting there waiting for you. Just open up the Demo program code, should be included with the other tutorial code. It is a great place to look for a lot of the basic stuff such as this. It uses a good methid for selecting the renderer and other options and then switching over to a new rendering device. Give it a look.


Post by TN »

Thanks, I'll take a look.

Total Newbie(TN)
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