Billboard bugs

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Billboard bugs

Post by knightoflight »

Hope its new, i found no one who asked:
The billboard-texture seems to be flipped vertically, maybe noone asks cause all use fireball or smoke and so on, but i used billboards for trees and it looks not good if they stand on head ;-) Easy to work around with flipped pictures. Anyone seen it, too ?
After using billboards, drawn images with Draw2dImage and Lines with Draw3dLine disappered (first i seached in the wrong edge), cause the Alpha-Value works flipped
Docu says:
...The alpha component defines how transparent a color should be. 0 means not transparent, 255 means fully transparent. ...
After using billboards i have to use an alpha of 255 to draw ???
Anyone seen it, too ? Or im mad ?
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Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 3:53 pm

Post by puh »

Yep, I've noticed the first effect - vertically flipped textures in billboards.
Posts: 67
Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2004 5:04 am

Post by c_olin3404 »

just make te x size and y size negative
Posts: 67
Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2004 5:04 am

Post by c_olin3404 »

just make te x size and y size negative
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