Unable to open scene file: ../../

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Post by Seven »

So I showed up at my friends house unannounced and asked him for some food. He brought me a sandwich, some chips and a coke. I couldnt believe it. A freakin coke! I bitched at him for over an hour about that one. The idiot should have KNOWN that I liked Pepsi. Besides, it was a ham sandwich instead of turkey like I wanted. sheesh, the nerve of that guy. I am seriously tempted to never ask him for food again. Ever.
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Post by oldskoolPunk »

I am also a noob !

Everyone here has been so helpful to me, and I really have nothing to offer back except maybe help someone that is even more noob than me. So I do not mind answering some questions from time to time that maybe are dumb and repetitive to the leet but by answering can make someone like me feel like they are contributing in some way.
Try this...

Code: Select all

irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode *mesh = smgr->getMesh("C://Program Files/3dmax/export/middle.3ds");
irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode *node = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode (node);
"C://Program Files/3dmax/export/middle.3ds" is the full path they were refering to. When in doubt just start at "C://" and work your way down.

I still dont know what the hell .../.../.../ is or how to work it :)
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Post by Murcho »

../ = go back one directory from the current directory
./ = start from the current directory

So for example, lets say our project is sitting in C:/Projects/CurrentProject. We have our media for our project sitting in C:/Projects/CurrentProject/Media. Lets say we also have some external media sitting in a shared media folder, C:/Projects/SharedMedia.

Ok, so we're in our project and we need to access some of our media. This can be done with "./Media/picture.jpg".
If we need to grab some of our shared media, we need to go back a directory, so the call would be "../SharedMedia/.picture.jpg".

If you give explicit paths like "C:/Projects/CurrentProject/Media", when the project is installed on another computer, and lets say it was installed on the D:, then this path is invalid and the media won't be found. By using relative paths, you should always be able to find the right path in relation to your project.

Phew, hope that clears it up. :)
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