VS2008 setup problems

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VS2008 setup problems

Post by JJJohan »

I'm trying to use Visual Studio 2008 to compile my Irrlicht projects but I'm having trouble including the necessary header files as I seem to be getting a linker error:

Code: Select all

1>main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) class irr::IrrlichtDevice * __cdecl irr::createDeviceEx(struct irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters const &)" (__imp_?createDeviceEx@irr@@YAPAVIrrlichtDevice@1@ABUSIrrlichtCreationParameters@1@@Z) referenced in function _main
I have done the following to set up my program:

Go to tools > options > projects and solutions > VC++ directories
-Added C:\irrlicht\include to the "Include files" tab
-Added C:\irrlicht\lib\Win32-visualstudio to the "library files" tab

I know it is not an issue with the code as I am using something that had previously worked in CodeBlocks.

I have done a search, and I had only found one thread on the MSVC setup (the steps I have done above) and they did not seem to work.
Ion Dune
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Post by Ion Dune »

Is this somewhere in your code?

Code: Select all

#pragma comment( lib , "Irrlicht.lib" )
Posts: 7
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Location: Brisbane, Australia

Post by JJJohan »

Yes, I'm using a tutorial code as base. It includes:

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//#ifdef _MSC_VER
//#pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib")
Hang on, they're commented..

Yay! Thanks, I can't believe I didn't notice that..
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