IPhysics - Wiggle objects in collision && complex bo

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IPhysics - Wiggle objects in collision && complex bo

Post by CaPGeti »

I have 2 Problems with IPhysics under Irrlicht.
I am german, but I try to write in my best english ;)

When I add a dynamic Sphere in my World and the sphere collide with other spheres, then they rotate very fast and tremble ^^
Can help me someone, or is this normal?

I need for my game complex meshs not only cubes and spheres. Is there a function to add DYNAMIC meshs with IPhysics or Newton direct?

Thanks for your help
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Post by JP »

Hmm maybe for the first one you have some bad parameters for the scale of your scene...?

I don't know anything about IPhysics or Newton though... Newton should certainly support more complex shapes but whether IPhysics does I don't know.

You could look at my IrrPhysx project which very simply wraps up Nvidia Physx for easy use within Irrlicht, it certainly provides support for more complex shapes than cubes and spheres:)
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Post by CaPGeti »

thx for your post.
I have scaled my level with the factor by 0.1, because else the gravity is to low.
The sphere was not scaled.
mhm... Thanks for your projectlink ^^

I had downloaded the game example, but i couldn't compile the cpp file, because the precompiled header (in "Debug\GameExample.pch") were not found/opening.

But the physic of the bottle and the desk (not cube or sphere) in your "game" is very good =). So I will change the physic engine to Physx. But I need an compiled code of this game, to understand it really.

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Post by sudi »

lol...newton can do the exact same thing.....and u will probably mess up with IrrPhysx as well...
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Post by CaPGeti »

I know, that newton can that, but I can't find a tut that descripe that.
And Newton with OpenGL only, is to hight for me.
Do you know a tutorial for mesh physic?
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Post by sudi »

Sry i don't get ur problem. The tuts that go with newton are actually pretty seperated into graphic and physic. Well to have simple physic with a box/cone/ball/ and all other simple forms there are create functions for it in the newton api. there u can even add a offset matrix incase the model u are displaying is not centered. then simply create the physics body....well maybe u should take a look at this

http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/ ... hp?t=29294

that wrapper of mine is really simple and i don't even remember what it supports..... i guess its missing the convex type meshes and only allows simple objects to use dynamics. all complex meshes are only static collision meshes. i did this bc everything i wassimulating where simple shapes...used it for fps shooter. any way the source should give ya a rough idea about the thing.
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Post by CaPGeti »

I only need a scaled sphere, but it doesn't work correctly. (x0.5, z1, y0.5)

a normal sphere make no problems.
Or have you a tipp for collision at bowling (pin/ball)?
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