[C++ problem] Vector pointers to pointer of inherited class?

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Raden Mu'az
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[C++ problem] Vector pointers to pointer of inherited class?

Post by Raden Mu'az »

Hi. I'm a newbie in Irrlicht. Been programming in Python and badly spoiled with its automatic pointers management and class ducktyping, etc,etc - So I become really sucks at C++ pointers stuff.

I had a problem managing object pointers in a vector pointer for keeping track of objects and accessing their functions in C++.

I made an Actor class which is the base class for other object

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class Actor 
Then I made a Spaceship class, which is derived from Actor class
The Spaceship class has shoot() function

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class Spaceship : public Actor
  void shoot()
Then I made a vector to keep the the Actor collections.

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Spaceship* s = new Spaceship;
But when I do this, I'll get nasty error saying that "Actor class has no function shoot()", which the Actor is actually the Spaceship, and the Spacehsip actually a class is derived from Actor class. :?

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Can anyone help me on this?
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Post by Sylence »

You need to cast the object to Actor:

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Or something like this... why do you use a pointer for the array ?

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vector<Actor*> collections;
This will work as well and you can use the vector more easy:

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Post by vitek »

If all Actor types are expected to be able to shoot, you could make shoot() a virtual function in the base class. Otherwise, you could just make an array of spaceships...

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std::vector<Spaceship*> spaceships;
If you add another derived Actor you would just put them into their own array.

If you have a heterogeneous collection (a collection that contains objects of different types), and you only have a base class pointer, you'll have to have some system for identifying the actual type of the objects so that you know what you can cast them to.

Raden Mu'az
Posts: 12
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Post by Raden Mu'az »

Thanks a lot! :D.
Casting works, however, changing class methods to 'virtual' is much better for me.

vitek wrote: If you have a heterogeneous collection (a collection that contains objects of different types), and you only have a base class pointer, you'll have to have some system for identifying the actual type of the objects so that you know what you can cast them to.
How do I detect class types in C++?
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Post by Dark_Kilauea »

In my experience, I've used a small unsigned char type member in my base class which contains a value in an enum relating to what derived class it actually is.

For example:

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enum ClassTypes

class Base
    unsigned char Type;

class Derived : public Base
    Derived() { Type = ECT_DERIVED; }

class Derived2 : public Base
    Derived2() { Type = ECT_DERIVED2; }
You should get the point by now ;)
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Post by vitek »

That is one way to do it. It qould be a bit safer if you made Type const in the base class, added an accessor, and added a protected Base constructor that took a ClassType (or an unsigned int) and used that to initialize the Type member. Changing the member to an unsigned int is often better for performance and minimizing memory waste due to padding.

Another way is to add a pure virtual method in the base class and overriding the virtual in the derived classes. The advantage here is that you don't need to store the type id in every object instance, which can save memory at the cost of a virtual function call.

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