[fixed] Perhaps a ComboBox Bug

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[fixed] Perhaps a ComboBox Bug

Post by geckoman »

I think I found a bug with the combobox but I don't know exactly.

In my game I load a gui from an xml file. It contains a combobox. Then I add Items to that combobox.
I even set the selected Item with setSelected().
All Items are in place like they should, the right Item is selected (I checked it in the debugger) BUT:
The combobox is drawn empty.


If I click on the combobox the selected Item is shown magically.


Is this a bug? What can I do?
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Post by Eigen »

It could be that the font is too large? Try making the combo box a bit higher.
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Post by geckoman »

Of course I tried that, but that is not the problem. As you can see in the screenshot, after clicking once on it, it shows up correctly.
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Post by Acki »

sorry, I can't reproduce this... :shock:
I made a simple test case:

create a coombo box and save the gui:

Code: Select all

#include <irrlicht.h>

using namespace irr;
using namespace core;
using namespace scene;
using namespace video;
using namespace io;
using namespace gui;

int main(){
	IrrlichtDevice *device = createDevice(EDT_DIRECT3D9);
	IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver();
	IGUIEnvironment* guienv = device->getGUIEnvironment();

  IGUIFont* font = guienv->getFont("media/fonthaettenschweiler.bmp");
  IGUIComboBox* cmb = guienv->addComboBox(rect<s32>(50,50,200,70),0,100);

		driver->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor(0,0,0,0));

	return 0;
load the gui and add some items to the combo box:

Code: Select all

#include <irrlicht.h>

using namespace irr;
using namespace core;
using namespace scene;
using namespace video;
using namespace io;
using namespace gui;

int main(){
	IrrlichtDevice *device = createDevice(EDT_DIRECT3D9);
	IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver();
	IGUIEnvironment* guienv = device->getGUIEnvironment();

  IGUIComboBox* cmb = (IGUIComboBox*)guienv->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(100);

		driver->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor(0,0,0,0));

	return 0;
it works as expected...
while(!asleep) sheep++;
try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java
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Post by geckoman »

I tried you code, it really works as expected, BUT MY file does not work, even if I load it with your code. I can't figure out why. The file was created with the GUIEDITOR.

I found out several other things:

The text appears if I click on the combobox
OR if I check/uncheck a checkbox
OR if I change the tab
If ANYTHING happens in the GUI the text is drawn correctly.... drivin me crazy :evil:

I paste it here, perhaps you can test or tell me whats wrong:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>

		<enum name="Skin" value="windowsMetallic" />
		<color name="3DDarkShadow" value="fa323232" />
		<color name="3DShadow" value="fa828282" />
		<color name="3DFace" value="fad2d2d2" />
		<color name="3DHighlight" value="faffffff" />
		<color name="3DLight" value="fad2d2d2" />
		<color name="ActiveBorder" value="fa100e73" />
		<color name="ActiveCaption" value="faffffff" />
		<color name="AppWorkspace" value="fa646464" />
		<color name="ButtonText" value="fa0a0a0a" />
		<color name="GrayText" value="fa828282" />
		<color name="Highlight" value="fa08246b" />
		<color name="HighlightText" value="faffffff" />
		<color name="InactiveBorder" value="faa5a5a5" />
		<color name="InactiveCaption" value="fad2d2d2" />
		<color name="ToolTip" value="fa000000" />
		<color name="ToolTipBackground" value="faffffe1" />
		<color name="ScrollBar" value="fae6e6e6" />
		<color name="Window" value="faffffff" />
		<color name="WindowSymbol" value="fa0a0a0a" />
		<color name="Icon" value="faffffff" />
		<color name="IconHighlight" value="fa08246b" />
		<int name="ScrollBarSize" value="14" />
		<int name="MenuHeight" value="30" />
		<int name="WindowButtonWidth" value="15" />
		<int name="CheckBoxWidth" value="18" />
		<int name="MessageBoxWidth" value="500" />
		<int name="MessageBoxHeight" value="200" />
		<int name="ButtonWidth" value="80" />
		<int name="ButtonHeight" value="30" />
		<int name="TextDistanceX" value="2" />
		<int name="TextDistanceY" value="0" />
		<string name="MessageBoxOkay" value="OK" />
		<string name="MessageBoxCancel" value="Cancel" />
		<string name="MessageBoxYes" value="Yes" />
		<string name="MessageBoxNo" value="No" />
		<string name="WindowButtonClose" value="Close" />
		<string name="WindowButtonMaximize" value="Maximize" />
		<string name="WindowButtonMinimize" value="Minimize" />
		<string name="WindowButtonRestore" value="Restore" />
		<int name="windowMaximize" value="225" />
		<int name="windowRestore" value="226" />
		<int name="windowClose" value="227" />
		<int name="windowMinimize" value="228" />
		<int name="windowResize" value="242" />
		<int name="cursorUp" value="229" />
		<int name="cursorDown" value="230" />
		<int name="cursorLeft" value="231" />
		<int name="cursorRight" value="232" />
		<int name="menuMore" value="232" />
		<int name="checkBoxChecked" value="233" />
		<int name="dropDown" value="234" />
		<int name="smallCursorUp" value="235" />
		<int name="smallCursorDown" value="236" />
		<int name="radioButtonChecked" value="237" />
		<int name="moreLeft" value="238" />
		<int name="moreRight" value="239" />
		<int name="moreUp" value="240" />
		<int name="moreDown" value="241" />
		<int name="expand" value="243" />
		<int name="collapse" value="244" />
		<int name="file" value="245" />
		<int name="directory" value="246" />

	<element type="button">

			<int name="Id" value="1" />
			<string name="Caption" value="MainMenu" />
			<rect name="Rect" value="80, 330, 200, 360" />
			<position name="MinSize" value="1, 1" />
			<position name="MaxSize" value="0, 0" />
			<bool name="NoClip" value="false" />
			<enum name="LeftAlign" value="upperLeft" />
			<enum name="RightAlign" value="upperLeft" />
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			<enum name="BottomAlign" value="upperLeft" />
			<bool name="Visible" value="true" />
			<bool name="Enabled" value="true" />
			<bool name="TabStop" value="true" />
			<bool name="TabGroup" value="false" />
			<int name="TabOrder" value="1" />
			<bool name="PushButton" value="true" />
			<bool name="Pressed" value="false" />
			<texture name="Image" value="" />
			<rect name="ImageRect" value="0, 0, 0, 0" />
			<texture name="PressedImage" value="" />
			<rect name="PressedImageRect" value="0, 0, 0, 0" />
			<bool name="Border" value="true" />
			<bool name="UseAlphaChannel" value="false" />


	<element type="tabControl">

			<int name="Id" value="2" />
			<string name="Caption" value="" />
			<rect name="Rect" value="20, 10, 360, 320" />
			<position name="MinSize" value="1, 1" />
			<position name="MaxSize" value="0, 0" />
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			<enum name="LeftAlign" value="upperLeft" />
			<enum name="RightAlign" value="upperLeft" />
			<enum name="TopAlign" value="upperLeft" />
			<enum name="BottomAlign" value="upperLeft" />
			<bool name="Visible" value="true" />
			<bool name="Enabled" value="true" />
			<bool name="TabStop" value="false" />
			<bool name="TabGroup" value="false" />
			<int name="TabOrder" value="-1" />
			<int name="ActiveTab" value="0" />
			<bool name="Border" value="true" />
			<bool name="FillBackground" value="true" />
			<int name="TabHeight" value="32" />
			<enum name="TabVerticalAlignment" value="upperLeft" />

		<element type="tab">

				<int name="Id" value="101" />
				<string name="Caption" value="Video" />
				<rect name="Rect" value="0, 0, 340, 310" />
				<position name="MinSize" value="1, 1" />
				<position name="MaxSize" value="0, 0" />
				<bool name="NoClip" value="false" />
				<enum name="LeftAlign" value="upperLeft" />
				<enum name="RightAlign" value="upperLeft" />
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				<enum name="BottomAlign" value="upperLeft" />
				<bool name="Visible" value="true" />
				<bool name="Enabled" value="true" />
				<bool name="TabStop" value="false" />
				<bool name="TabGroup" value="false" />
				<int name="TabOrder" value="1" />
				<int name="TabNumber" value="0" />
				<bool name="DrawBackground" value="false" />
				<color name="BackColor" value="00000000" />
				<color name="TextColor" value="fa0a0a0a" />

			<element type="checkBox">

					<int name="Id" value="201" />
					<string name="Caption" value="Fullscreen" />
					<rect name="Rect" value="30, 60, 180, 80" />
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					<enum name="LeftAlign" value="upperLeft" />
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					<enum name="BottomAlign" value="upperLeft" />
					<bool name="Visible" value="true" />
					<bool name="Enabled" value="true" />
					<bool name="TabStop" value="true" />
					<bool name="TabGroup" value="false" />
					<int name="TabOrder" value="3" />
					<bool name="Checked" value="false" />


			<element type="checkBox">

					<int name="Id" value="202" />
					<string name="Caption" value="Antialiasing" />
					<rect name="Rect" value="30, 90, 180, 110" />
					<position name="MinSize" value="1, 1" />
					<position name="MaxSize" value="0, 0" />
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					<enum name="BottomAlign" value="upperLeft" />
					<bool name="Visible" value="true" />
					<bool name="Enabled" value="true" />
					<bool name="TabStop" value="true" />
					<bool name="TabGroup" value="false" />
					<int name="TabOrder" value="2" />
					<bool name="Checked" value="false" />


			<element type="comboBox">

					<int name="Id" value="203" />
					<string name="Caption" value="" />
					<rect name="Rect" value="30, 150, 284, 170" />
					<position name="MinSize" value="1, 1" />
					<position name="MaxSize" value="0, 0" />
					<bool name="NoClip" value="true" />
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					<enum name="RightAlign" value="upperLeft" />
					<enum name="TopAlign" value="upperLeft" />
					<enum name="BottomAlign" value="upperLeft" />
					<bool name="Visible" value="true" />
					<bool name="Enabled" value="true" />
					<bool name="TabStop" value="true" />
					<bool name="TabGroup" value="false" />
					<int name="TabOrder" value="4" />
					<enum name="HTextAlign" value="upperLeft" />
					<enum name="VTextAlign" value="center" />
					<int name="Selected" value="-1" />
					<int name="ItemCount" value="0" />


			<element type="staticText">

					<int name="Id" value="-1" />
					<string name="Caption" value="Resolution" />
					<rect name="Rect" value="30, 120, 210, 140" />
					<position name="MinSize" value="1, 1" />
					<position name="MaxSize" value="0, 0" />
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					<enum name="LeftAlign" value="upperLeft" />
					<enum name="RightAlign" value="upperLeft" />
					<enum name="TopAlign" value="upperLeft" />
					<enum name="BottomAlign" value="upperLeft" />
					<bool name="Visible" value="true" />
					<bool name="Enabled" value="true" />
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					<int name="TabOrder" value="-1" />
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					<bool name="OverrideColorEnabled" value="false" />
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					<color name="OverrideColor" value="65ffffff" />
					<enum name="HTextAlign" value="upperLeft" />
					<enum name="VTextAlign" value="upperLeft" />



		<element type="tab">

				<int name="Id" value="102" />
				<string name="Caption" value="Game" />
				<rect name="Rect" value="0, 0, 340, 310" />
				<position name="MinSize" value="1, 1" />
				<position name="MaxSize" value="0, 0" />
				<bool name="NoClip" value="false" />
				<enum name="LeftAlign" value="upperLeft" />
				<enum name="RightAlign" value="upperLeft" />
				<enum name="TopAlign" value="upperLeft" />
				<enum name="BottomAlign" value="upperLeft" />
				<bool name="Visible" value="false" />
				<bool name="Enabled" value="true" />
				<bool name="TabStop" value="false" />
				<bool name="TabGroup" value="false" />
				<int name="TabOrder" value="2" />
				<int name="TabNumber" value="1" />
				<bool name="DrawBackground" value="false" />
				<color name="BackColor" value="00000000" />
				<color name="TextColor" value="fa0a0a0a" />




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Post by Yoran »

I have the same problem in my app,
don't know why it occurs
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Post by geckoman »

Good to know I'm not alone :)

I found out it has something to do with the textcolor, because I can SEE the text if the GUI is transparent or the backgroundcolor is very dark, but I tried to change EVERY color that can be changed and it did not have any effect.

Perhaps this should be in the BUG-Forum?

Edit: I had a look in the source-files, I think the BUG is not in the combobox but in the listbox, which is part of the combobox. But I don't know 100%
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Post by hybrid »

It looks like your combobox is empty, so what should be printed to the editbox?
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Post by geckoman »

Like I wrote in the first post, it is NOT empty. (Screenshot) I add several items.
If I make the GUI transparent, I can SEE that the text is there, but its very bright. The problem is, it is no configurable color and it's behavior is not correct.
The color changes immediatly if I click some GUI object.

Immediatly after loading, you see VERY BRIGHT color perhaps white->


After clicking sth ->

Last edited by geckoman on Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by hybrid »

Sorry, I was alittle bit unclear. the XML file contains an empty combobox.
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Post by geckoman »

I postet some Screenshots so you understand what I'm talking from:
geckoman wrote:Like I wrote in the first post, it is NOT empty. (Screenshot) I add several items.
If I make the GUI transparent, I can SEE that the text is there, but its very bright. The problem is, it is no configurable color and it's behavior is not correct.
The color changes immediatly if I click some GUI object.

Immediatly after loading, you see VERY BRIGHT color perhaps white->


After clicking sth ->

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Post by hybrid »

Yes, I understand the problem description. However, I need something to reproduce it. So I could take your example xml file - but that contains an empty combobox. Please post the actual file you use.
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Post by Strong99 »

do you fill the combobox yourself? or is the xml supposed to do this?
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Post by Acki »

strong99 wrote:do you fill the combobox yourself? or is the xml supposed to do this?
geckoman wrote:In my game I load a gui from an xml file. It contains a combobox. Then I add Items to that combobox.
I even set the selected Item with setSelected().
well, I tried the loading code I posted before and yes, the font color is white...
try this and you'll see:

Code: Select all

  IGUIComboBox* cmb = (IGUIComboBox*)guienv->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(203,true);
but another thing is that the drop down list will not be shown when you open the box... :shock:
also I get an error rapidly printed to the console after loading this gui:
while(!asleep) sheep++;
try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java
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Post by geckoman »

Ok here is a version WITH Items, you could fill in the Items by yourself, too. Makes no difference.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>

      <enum name="Skin" value="windowsMetallic" />
      <color name="3DDarkShadow" value="fa323232" />
      <color name="3DShadow" value="fa828282" />
      <color name="3DFace" value="fad2d2d2" />
      <color name="3DHighlight" value="faffffff" />
      <color name="3DLight" value="fad2d2d2" />
      <color name="ActiveBorder" value="fa100e73" />
      <color name="ActiveCaption" value="faffffff" />
      <color name="AppWorkspace" value="fa646464" />
      <color name="ButtonText" value="fa0a0a0a" />
      <color name="GrayText" value="fa828282" />
      <color name="Highlight" value="fa08246b" />
      <color name="HighlightText" value="faffffff" />
      <color name="InactiveBorder" value="faa5a5a5" />
      <color name="InactiveCaption" value="fad2d2d2" />
      <color name="ToolTip" value="fa000000" />
      <color name="ToolTipBackground" value="faffffe1" />
      <color name="ScrollBar" value="fae6e6e6" />
      <color name="Window" value="faffffff" />
      <color name="WindowSymbol" value="fa0a0a0a" />
      <color name="Icon" value="faffffff" />
      <color name="IconHighlight" value="fa08246b" />
      <int name="ScrollBarSize" value="14" />
      <int name="MenuHeight" value="30" />
      <int name="WindowButtonWidth" value="15" />
      <int name="CheckBoxWidth" value="18" />
      <int name="MessageBoxWidth" value="500" />
      <int name="MessageBoxHeight" value="200" />
      <int name="ButtonWidth" value="80" />
      <int name="ButtonHeight" value="30" />
      <int name="TextDistanceX" value="2" />
      <int name="TextDistanceY" value="0" />
      <string name="MessageBoxOkay" value="OK" />
      <string name="MessageBoxCancel" value="Cancel" />
      <string name="MessageBoxYes" value="Yes" />
      <string name="MessageBoxNo" value="No" />
      <string name="WindowButtonClose" value="Close" />
      <string name="WindowButtonMaximize" value="Maximize" />
      <string name="WindowButtonMinimize" value="Minimize" />
      <string name="WindowButtonRestore" value="Restore" />
      <int name="windowMaximize" value="225" />
      <int name="windowRestore" value="226" />
      <int name="windowClose" value="227" />
      <int name="windowMinimize" value="228" />
      <int name="windowResize" value="242" />
      <int name="cursorUp" value="229" />
      <int name="cursorDown" value="230" />
      <int name="cursorLeft" value="231" />
      <int name="cursorRight" value="232" />
      <int name="menuMore" value="232" />
      <int name="checkBoxChecked" value="233" />
      <int name="dropDown" value="234" />
      <int name="smallCursorUp" value="235" />
      <int name="smallCursorDown" value="236" />
      <int name="radioButtonChecked" value="237" />
      <int name="moreLeft" value="238" />
      <int name="moreRight" value="239" />
      <int name="moreUp" value="240" />
      <int name="moreDown" value="241" />
      <int name="expand" value="243" />
      <int name="collapse" value="244" />
      <int name="file" value="245" />
      <int name="directory" value="246" />

   <element type="button">

         <int name="Id" value="1" />
         <string name="Caption" value="MainMenu" />
         <rect name="Rect" value="80, 330, 200, 360" />
         <position name="MinSize" value="1, 1" />
         <position name="MaxSize" value="0, 0" />
         <bool name="NoClip" value="false" />
         <enum name="LeftAlign" value="upperLeft" />
         <enum name="RightAlign" value="upperLeft" />
         <enum name="TopAlign" value="upperLeft" />
         <enum name="BottomAlign" value="upperLeft" />
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         <bool name="Pressed" value="false" />
         <texture name="Image" value="" />
         <rect name="ImageRect" value="0, 0, 0, 0" />
         <texture name="PressedImage" value="" />
         <rect name="PressedImageRect" value="0, 0, 0, 0" />
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         <bool name="UseAlphaChannel" value="false" />


   <element type="tabControl">

         <int name="Id" value="2" />
         <string name="Caption" value="" />
         <rect name="Rect" value="20, 10, 360, 320" />
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         <position name="MaxSize" value="0, 0" />
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         <enum name="LeftAlign" value="upperLeft" />
         <enum name="RightAlign" value="upperLeft" />
         <enum name="TopAlign" value="upperLeft" />
         <enum name="BottomAlign" value="upperLeft" />
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         <bool name="Enabled" value="true" />
         <bool name="TabStop" value="false" />
         <bool name="TabGroup" value="false" />
         <int name="TabOrder" value="-1" />
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         <bool name="Border" value="true" />
         <bool name="FillBackground" value="true" />
         <int name="TabHeight" value="32" />
         <enum name="TabVerticalAlignment" value="upperLeft" />

      <element type="tab">

            <int name="Id" value="101" />
            <string name="Caption" value="Video" />
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            <enum name="BottomAlign" value="upperLeft" />
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            <bool name="DrawBackground" value="false" />
            <color name="BackColor" value="00000000" />
            <color name="TextColor" value="fa0a0a0a" />

         <element type="checkBox">

               <int name="Id" value="201" />
               <string name="Caption" value="Fullscreen" />
               <rect name="Rect" value="30, 60, 180, 80" />
               <position name="MinSize" value="1, 1" />
               <position name="MaxSize" value="0, 0" />
               <bool name="NoClip" value="false" />
               <enum name="LeftAlign" value="upperLeft" />
               <enum name="RightAlign" value="upperLeft" />
               <enum name="TopAlign" value="upperLeft" />
               <enum name="BottomAlign" value="upperLeft" />
               <bool name="Visible" value="true" />
               <bool name="Enabled" value="true" />
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