Terrain mesh has 0 indicies but 65536 vertices

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Terrain mesh has 0 indicies but 65536 vertices

Post by hach-que »

When I get the mesh from a terrain scene node, and I check the mesh buffers, it ends up with a total of 0 indicies in the mesh, and 65536 vertices.

This means I can't convert it to a Newton mesh. The code I'm using to check is shown below. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Code: Select all

                                // Check for validity
                                test_mbc = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
                                if (test_mbc <= 0)
                                        nonlua_debug("Invalid terrain specified for physics object (no mesh buffers).",LVL_WARN);
                                        physType = E_TYPE_IGNORE;
                                has_indicies = false;
                                for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); i++)
                                        mb = mesh->getMeshBuffer(i);
                                        if (mb)
                                                if (mb->getIndexCount() > 0)
                                                        has_indicies = true;
                                if (!has_indicies)
                                        nonlua_debug("Invalid terrain specified for physics object (no indicies).",LVL_WARN);
                                        physType = E_TYPE_IGNORE;
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Re: Terrain mesh has 0 indicies but 65536 vertices

Post by randomMesh »

I am using ODE, but the task should be the same.
This works:

Code: Select all

void Terrain::makeTriMeshData()
	irr::scene::CDynamicMeshBuffer* buffer = 0;
	buffer = new irr::scene::CDynamicMeshBuffer(irr::video::EVT_2TCOORDS, irr::video::EIT_16BIT);
	terrain->getMeshBufferForLOD(*buffer, 0);

	const irr::u32 vertexCount = buffer->getVertexCount();
	const irr::u32 indexCount = buffer->getIndexCount();

	this->vertices = new dVector3[vertexCount];
	this->indices = new dTriIndex[indexCount];

	const irr::core::vector3df& scale = terrain->getScale();

	irr::video::S3DVertex2TCoords* data = (irr::video::S3DVertex2TCoords*)buffer->getVertexBuffer().getData();

	irr::u32 i;
	for (i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
		this->vertices[i][0] = data[i].Pos.X*scale.X;
		this->vertices[i][1] = data[i].Pos.Y*scale.Y;
		this->vertices[i][2] = data[i].Pos.Z*scale.Z;

	irr::u32 j;
	for (j = 0; j < indexCount; ++j)
		this->indices[j] = (dTriIndex)(buffer->getIndexBuffer()[j]);


	this->tdata = dGeomTriMeshDataCreate();
		this->tdata, // the dTriMeshDataID to use
		(const dReal*)this->vertices, vertexCount,
		(const dTriIndex*)indices, indexCount
Posts: 33
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Post by hach-que »

Okay, I've updated my code to use getMeshBufferForLOD, but objects still won't collide with my Newton terrain.

Code: Select all

				total_indicies = 0;
				total_vertexes = 0;
				ter_buffer = new irr::scene::CDynamicMeshBuffer(irr::video::EVT_2TCOORDS, irr::video::EIT_16BIT); 
				if (ter_buffer == NULL)
					nonlua_debug("Invalid terrain specified for physics object.",LVL_WARN);
					physType = E_TYPE_IGNORE;
				has_indicies = false;
				if (ter_buffer)
					total_indicies += ter_buffer->getIndexCount();
					total_vertexes += ter_buffer->getVertexCount();
					if (ter_buffer->getIndexCount() > 0)
						has_indicies = true;
				if (!has_indicies)
					nonlua_debug("Invalid terrain specified for physics object (no indicies, " << total_vertexes << " vertexes).",LVL_WARN);
					physType = E_TYPE_IGNORE;

				// Setup Roket Physics Body for terrain
				// Setup Roket Physics Body for sphere
				collision = NewtonCreateTreeCollision(physworld);

				// loop through, adding triangles.

				if (ter_buffer->getVertexType() == irr::video::EVT_2TCOORDS)
					// Retrieve vertices and indices.
					mb_vertices_2t = (irr::video::S3DVertex2TCoords*)ter_buffer->getVertices(); 
					mb_indices = ter_buffer->getIndices(); 

					// Add each triangle from the mesh to the tree. 
					for (int j = 0; j < ter_buffer->getIndexCount(); j += 3) 
						int index_one = mb_indices[j]; 
						int index_two = mb_indices[j + 1]; 
						int index_three = mb_indices[j + 2]; 

						// First vertice. 
						vertarray[0] = mb_vertices_2t[index_one].Pos.X; 
						vertarray[1] = mb_vertices_2t[index_one].Pos.Y; 
						vertarray[2] = mb_vertices_2t[index_one].Pos.Z; 

						// Second vertice. 
						vertarray[3] = mb_vertices_2t[index_two].Pos.X; 
						vertarray[4] = mb_vertices_2t[index_two].Pos.Y; 
						vertarray[5] = mb_vertices_2t[index_two].Pos.Z; 

						// Third vertice. 
						vertarray[6] = mb_vertices_2t[index_three].Pos.X; 
						vertarray[7] = mb_vertices_2t[index_three].Pos.Y; 
						vertarray[8] = mb_vertices_2t[index_three].Pos.Z; 

						// Add the face to the collision tree. 
						NewtonTreeCollisionAddFace(collision, 3, vertarray, 12, 1); 
				else if (ter_buffer->getVertexType() == irr::video::EVT_STANDARD)
					// Retrieve vertices and indices.
					mb_vertices_normal = (irr::video::S3DVertex*)ter_buffer->getVertices(); 
					mb_indices = ter_buffer->getIndices(); 

					// Add each triangle from the mesh to the tree. 
					for (int j = 0; j < ter_buffer->getIndexCount(); j += 3) 
						int index_one = mb_indices[j]; 
						int index_two = mb_indices[j + 1]; 
						int index_three = mb_indices[j + 2]; 

						// First vertice. 
						vertarray[0] = mb_vertices_normal[index_one].Pos.X; 
						vertarray[1] = mb_vertices_normal[index_one].Pos.Y; 
						vertarray[2] = mb_vertices_normal[index_one].Pos.Z; 

						// Second vertice. 
						vertarray[3] = mb_vertices_normal[index_two].Pos.X; 
						vertarray[4] = mb_vertices_normal[index_two].Pos.Y; 
						vertarray[5] = mb_vertices_normal[index_two].Pos.Z; 

						// Third vertice. 
						vertarray[6] = mb_vertices_normal[index_three].Pos.X; 
						vertarray[7] = mb_vertices_normal[index_three].Pos.Y; 
						vertarray[8] = mb_vertices_normal[index_three].Pos.Z; 

						// Add the face to the collision tree. 
						NewtonTreeCollisionAddFace(collision, 3, vertarray, 12, 1); 
				else if (ter_buffer->getVertexType() == irr::video::EVT_TANGENTS)
					// Retrieve vertices and indices.
					mb_vertices_tangent = (irr::video::S3DVertexTangents*)ter_buffer->getVertices(); 
					mb_indices = ter_buffer->getIndices(); 

					// Add each triangle from the mesh to the tree. 
					for (int j = 0; j < ter_buffer->getIndexCount(); j += 3) 
						int index_one = mb_indices[j]; 
						int index_two = mb_indices[j + 1]; 
						int index_three = mb_indices[j + 2]; 

						// First vertice. 
						vertarray[0] = mb_vertices_tangent[index_one].Pos.X; 
						vertarray[1] = mb_vertices_tangent[index_one].Pos.Y; 
						vertarray[2] = mb_vertices_tangent[index_one].Pos.Z; 

						// Second vertice. 
						vertarray[3] = mb_vertices_tangent[index_two].Pos.X; 
						vertarray[4] = mb_vertices_tangent[index_two].Pos.Y; 
						vertarray[5] = mb_vertices_tangent[index_two].Pos.Z; 

						// Third vertice. 
						vertarray[6] = mb_vertices_tangent[index_three].Pos.X; 
						vertarray[7] = mb_vertices_tangent[index_three].Pos.Y; 
						vertarray[8] = mb_vertices_tangent[index_three].Pos.Z; 

						// Add the face to the collision tree. 
						NewtonTreeCollisionAddFace(collision, 3, vertarray, 12, 1); 

				NewtonTreeCollisionEndBuild(collision, 0);

				physBody = new physics::Roket_PhysicsBody(
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