A quiz game i made

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A quiz game i made

Post by jingquan »

Hello everyone, hows the celebrations/school/work coming along? I've recently completed my quiz game for my school project based on general facts, science, history, literature...and would like to share it with ya. Do check it out and lemme know what features/improvements you'd like to see.

Here is "The Commodus Incident" text based point driven story educational fun quiz game: (RC1) http://pixelpretation.com/stuff/severus_rc1.zip

Well, its a damn hard quiz, at least it is meant to be, and don't be alarmed if you can't break the positive score barrier. :D Throughout the quiz you'll gain access to special bonuses (up to 10 different codexs) to aid you in your score, that is if you manage to score enough for it. :Dx2 The story is a total history ripoff and doesn't contribute to the gameplay, maybe I'll change that into a user driven story.

I'm aware of the major lack of questions, and I'll be throwing more in constantly. (like 10 a day) Suggest me some cool questions (and answers) and I might just use it!

Technical bit: Unfortunately I didn't get to use Irrlicht here (6 different quizzes rendered on all sides of a cube with timer ticking is overkill)

Small designdoc and concept images here: http://pixelpretation.com/?p=231
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Post by BlindSide »

Dude your blog looks awesome, so do the vector drawings. Nice work.
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