pixel shader wont load

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pixel shader wont load

Post by Eagle_Eye »

for some reason, the pixel shader wont load correctly, i should be seeing red as the color of the mesh i added the material to but i don't see it, the vertex shader loaded good as it didn't tell me that it didn't load the vertex shader, i don't know what to do.....
here is my shader code:

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float4x4 matViewProjection : ViewProjection;
float4 Color;
struct VS_OUT
    float4 Postion : POSITION;

VS_OUT vsmain(in float4 Pos : POSITION)
	VS_OUT Out;
	Out.Postion = mul(Position,matViewProjection);

	float4 Color = float4(1,0,0,0);

float4 psmain() : COLOR
   Color = float4(1,0,0,0);
   return Color;

I hope you can help me......
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Post by bitplane »

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Post by Eagle_Eye »


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/ ... 1234137705


this is what i see, the house should be red since i loaded the pixel shader along with the vertex shader so i don't know what to do, i mean it loaded the vertex shader, yet it can't load the pixel shader even though it's the same file?
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Post by bitplane »

Looks like the material isn't being set. Start at the shader example and see if you can get it working there, or post the code where you set the material on the node.
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Post by Eagle_Eye »

Code: Select all

	video::IGPUProgrammingServices* gpu = g_pIrr->getVideoDriver()->getGPUProgrammingServices();

	s32 _Red= 0;


		_Red = gpu->addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles(
			"Red_Shader.hlsl", "vsmain", video::EVST_VS_1_1,
			"Red_Shader.hlsl,","psmain", video::EPST_PS_1_1,
			MessageBoxA(NULL,"Shader Loaded","Object",MB_OK);

here is the code i used to load the material shaders and set it to the level_node, other then that i don't know what other code to give.
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Post by FuzzYspo0N »

also, does the console give errors?
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Post by geckoman »

I see an error ->

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struct VS_OUT
    float4 Postion : POSITION;
Should be Position instead of Postion. Maybe it helps
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Post by Eagle_Eye »

this is what the console says

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Could not open pixel shader program file: Red_Shader.hlsl,

doesn't say why it can't open it though
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Post by Eagle_Eye »

I tried the shader that comes with Irrlicht and it can't open it either so i don't know what i'm doing wrong......I could always use .FX files but those don't go well with Irrlicht Matrices..
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Post by hybrid »

You see, this helps:
"Red_Shader.hlsl,","psmain", video::EPST_PS_1_1,
Maybe you spot the , inside your quotes, this is a simply typo :wink:
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Post by Eagle_Eye »

Code: Select all

HLSL vertex shader compilation failed:
(12): error X3018: invalid subscript 'Postion'

and i fixed it, what could it be?
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Post by Eagle_Eye »

Never mind, i got it to work, finally......from now on i'll look at the console to see any errors. thanks for all your help
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Post by Eagle_Eye »

New problem, i can't seem to set the texture on a mesh using shaders, it gives me

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rror setting float array for HLSL variable

here is my shader code for this effect

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float4x4 matViewProjection : ViewProjection;

struct VS_INPUT 
   float4 Position : POSITION0;
   float2 TEX      : TEXCOORD0;

struct VS_OUTPUT 
   float4 Position : POSITION0;
   float2 TEX      : TEXCOORD0; 

VS_OUTPUT vs_main( VS_INPUT Input )
   VS_OUTPUT Output;

   Output.Position = mul( Input.Position, matViewProjection );
   Output.TEX = Input.TEX;
   return( Output );

texture Fieldstone_Tex
   string ResourceName = "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Program Files (x86)\\AMD\\RenderMonkey 1.82\\Examples\\Media\\Textures\\Fieldstone.tga";
sampler2D Texture0 = sampler_state
   Texture = (Fieldstone_Tex);
sampler2D Texture1;
struct PS_OUT
   float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;

float4 ps_main(in PS_OUT IN) : COLOR0

   return( tex2D(Texture0,IN.Tex)  );

I'm setting the texture this way:

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ITexture* Field;

any ideas?
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