texCUBE implementation

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texCUBE implementation

Post by nickle »

Hi guys,

I am trying to implement a cg shader that use only 1 sampler2D map (all 6 faces of the cube map are combined into this map in a certain order). The purpose is to use render to target technique. Set all 6 different size of viewports of the 6 directions of the camera to create such sampler2D map.

Code: Select all

void main_v(float4 Position: POSITION, 
	float3 Normal: NORMAL, 
	float2 Uv: TEXCOORD0,
	float3 Tangent: TEXCOORD1,
	float3 Binormal: TEXCOORD2,

	out float4 oPosition: POSITION, 
	out float2 oUv: TEXCOORD0, 
	out float3 oLightDir: TEXCOORD1, 
	out float3 oEyeDir: TEXCOORD2,
	out float3 oHalfAngle: TEXCOORD3, 
	out float3 R         : TEXCOORD4,

	uniform float4 lightPosition, 
	uniform float3 eyePosition, 
	uniform float4x4 WorldViewProj,
	uniform float4x4 modelToWorld,
	uniform float4x4 mInvWorld)
	oPosition = mul(WorldViewProj, Position); 

	oUv = Uv;
	float3 LightDir = normalize(lightPosition.xyz -  (Position * lightPosition.w));
	float3 EyeDir = eyePosition - Position.xyz; 
	float3x3 TBN = float3x3(Tangent, Binormal, Normal); 
	// Transformacja do Tangent Space
	LightDir = normalize(mul(TBN, LightDir)); 
	EyeDir = normalize(mul(TBN, EyeDir)); 

	oLightDir = LightDir; 
	oEyeDir = EyeDir; 
	oHalfAngle = normalize(EyeDir + LightDir); 

	float3 N = Normal;
	N = normalize(N);


	// Compute the incident and reflected vectors

	float4 positionW = mul(modelToWorld, Position);

	float3 I = positionW.xyz - eyePosition;
	R = I - 2.0 * N * dot(N, I);

	R = reflect(I, N);


void main_f(float2 Uv: TEXCOORD0,
	float3 LightDir : TEXCOORD1,
	float3 EyeDir : TEXCOORD2,
	float3 HalfAngle : TEXCOORD3,
	float3 R        : TEXCOORD4,
	uniform float bumpness,
	uniform float specularPow,
	uniform float cubePow,
	uniform float3 LightDiffuse,
	uniform float3 LightAmbient,
	uniform sampler2D DecalMap : register(s0),
	uniform sampler2D NormalMap : register(s1),
	uniform sampler2D SpecularMap : register(s2),
	uniform sampler2D  CubeMap : register(s3),
	out float4 oColor : COLOR)

	float3 smooth = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f };
	float3 Normal = tex2D (NormalMap, Uv).rgb;
	Normal = lerp( smooth, Normal, bumpness );
	Normal = normalize (Normal*2.0 -1.0);

	float3 Diffuse = max (dot (LightDir, Normal), 0.0) * LightDiffuse;
	float3 DecalColor = tex2D (DecalMap, Uv).rgb;

	float3 AmbientColor = tex2D(DecalMap, Uv).rgb * LightAmbient;

	float3 SpecularColor = tex2D(SpecularMap, Uv).rgb;
	float Specular = max (dot (HalfAngle, Normal), 0.0);
	Specular = pow (Specular, specularPow);

	float3 texCoord = R;
	float3 vec = normalize(texCoord); 
	float2 texCoord2DTemp = {0.0f, 0.0f}; 
	float4 ltt = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}; 

	float3 stf; 
    float3 absVec = abs(vec);
    float3 sgn = sign(vec);
    float3 sgnVec = -sign(vec) / 2 + 0.5;			// maps + to 0 and - to 1
    float absMa = max( max(absVec.x, absVec.y), absVec.z);
    float3 faceBaseVec = float3( 0, 2, 4);
    float3 faceVec = faceBaseVec + sgnVec;

    if ( abs(vec.x) == absMa ) { stf = float3(-vec.z * sgn.x, -vec.y, faceVec.x); }
    else if ( abs(vec.y) == absMa ) { stf = float3(+vec.x, vec.z * sgn.z, faceVec.y); }
    else if ( abs(vec.z) == absMa ) { stf = float3(vec.x * sgn.x, -vec.y, faceVec.z); }

    float2 st = (stf.xy/absMa + 1) / 2;
    int face = int(stf.z);
	texCoord2DTemp = st;

	if(face == 0)
		texCoord2DTemp.x = (1.0/6.0)*texCoord2DTemp.x;
		ltt = tex2D(CubeMap,texCoord2DTemp);
	else if(face == 1)
		texCoord2DTemp.x = (1.0/6.0) + (1.0/6.0)*texCoord2DTemp.x;
		ltt = tex2D(CubeMap,texCoord2DTemp);
	else if(face == 2)
		texCoord2DTemp.x = (2.0/6.0) + (1.0/6.0)*texCoord2DTemp.x;
		ltt = tex2D(CubeMap,texCoord2DTemp);
	else if(face == 3)
		texCoord2DTemp.x = (3.0/6.0) + (1.0/6.0)*texCoord2DTemp.x;
		ltt = tex2D(CubeMap,texCoord2DTemp);
	else if(face == 4)
		texCoord2DTemp.x = (4.0/6.0) + (1.0/6.0)*texCoord2DTemp.x;
		ltt = tex2D(CubeMap,texCoord2DTemp);
	else if(face == 5)
		texCoord2DTemp.x = (5.0/6.0) + (1.0/6.0)*texCoord2DTemp.x;
		ltt = tex2D(CubeMap,texCoord2DTemp);

	float4 fColor = float4 (DecalColor * Diffuse + Specular * SpecularColor + AmbientColor, 1.0);// 

	oColor = lerp(fColor, ltt, 1);

The order of the sampler is "|front|back|up|down|left|right|". Each segment is of size 512x512. So the final sample size is 3072x512.

I cannot find anything wrong by justing looking at the shader code.
But the problem is it wouldn't compile.

When I leave only 1 face loopup in the pixel shader, and comment all the rest 5 faces. It works totally fine and the reflection is correct for that face.

I tried to replace the 'if{}else if{}' by some thing like 'if(){}else{if(){...}}'. Also with no luck.

Has anybody got this kind of stuff work or is it the end of using only 1 texture instead of a DDS file?

What are other alternatives for the dynamic cube mapping?

Thanks in advance!!
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Post by MasterD »

Some time ago, I also had some problem with compiling a shader (HLSL, though). Does it compile, if you write an always hitting case like:

// Some code, or maybe nothing
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Post by nickle »

No, it doesn't compile... It is my test for cubemapping though... Finally It turned out I had to use IDirect3DCubeTexture9 as texCube only accept cubemaps.
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