diffrent Sound Engine?

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diffrent Sound Engine?

Post by smusic101 »

Is there any sound engine for Irrlicht other then the regular one that you have to pay for to use commercially
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Post by Sylence »

IrrKlang is not related to irrlicht in any way. The only thing they have in common is the 'irr' in the name and the developer of irrklang started irrlicht at first.

Take a look at the Irrlicht wiki. There's a list of availabe sound engines.
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Post by MasterM »

openal, but i have no idea how to make it run on codeblocks tho :(
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Post by Halifax »

MasterM wrote:openal, but i have no idea how to make it run on codeblocks tho :(
Just link against the static libraries, made for GCC e.g. .a files, and then include the headers that you need.
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Post by Brainsaw »

I use Irrklang whenever I get far enough to include sound, mainly because

a. I am not going to release anything commercially
b. the integration using the Irrklang scenenode and the plugin for IrrEdit

On the irrlicht wiki (http://irrlicht3d.org/wiki/index.php?n= ... dLibraries) you can find a small list of Sound Engines.
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Post by radical-dev »

There are 2 additional OpenAL-Wrappers i know:

cAudio - never worked with it,but seems to be easy to use
http://deathtouchstudios.com/xoops/modu ... .php?cid=1


FreeSL - Easy to use, but no OOP
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