I am a beginner student of direct3d and c++, i have 3 years of experience using visual basic, also i have experience making games with "Game Maker" a 2d game maker.
Could you recommend me what to do? I want to make commercial 3d games, should i keep studiyng direct3d? or should i just change to this engine and learn to use it and make games with it?.
Thanks ind advance.
Question about this engine
Do Both! That's what I am doing... I descided that this engine fits most (if not all
) of my needs...so I chose it. I am also learning Directx/3d. I am doing this because if there is ever a point in my project when I need to alter something in the engine source...or I'm trying to add something new to accomidate for one of my features, I can just program it in myself. So if I were you, I would examine Irrlicht to see if it meets most of your needs, and then use it and learn Directx/3d to mod it if u need to.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
im not someone into 3d engines too mcuh, but if you haven't started directx too much then you might want to consider studying opengl. i've heard it's easier to learn and simpler to understand.
opengl is also what id use ( quake & doom ) so it must be pretty good.
but what is it exactly do you want to do ? commercial games involve a _lot_ of work. was there anything specific you wanted to do ?
remember engines and langauges are just tools to use to accomplish your goals. your goals are the most important thing to decide.
good luck
opengl is also what id use ( quake & doom ) so it must be pretty good.
but what is it exactly do you want to do ? commercial games involve a _lot_ of work. was there anything specific you wanted to do ?
remember engines and langauges are just tools to use to accomplish your goals. your goals are the most important thing to decide.
good luck
i recommend you buying 3d gamestudio or something like that to make your game..i dont know with kind of game you would like to make, but if 3dgs etc have all of the feaures your game will need, this solution would be much easier and therefore faster, because its a complete gameengine: graphic,sound,input,network, and some of these engines comes with a easy script-language.
i own 3dgamestudio 6, and i think this is the best solution to make your first commercial game, of course only if you dont want to program most of the enginepart yourself
i own 3dgamestudio 6, and i think this is the best solution to make your first commercial game, of course only if you dont want to program most of the enginepart yourself
I would recommend you to study first c++ and after that to advance to direct3d/openGl. I personally started with openGl and now I'm learning direct3d. If you decide to start studying 3d programming with openGl, check out NeHe site. (http://nehe.gamedev.net/) Remember that making commercial 3d games requires a lot of skill and hard work. Good luck!
Well, from the experience i have had with game makers is that they dont allow you to do exactly what you want and how you want to do it, thats why i want the most freedom no matter what i have to learn, thats why i decided to learn c++ wich i havent used too much because i dont have where to apply the knowledge i have adquired, but i have learned a lot about it. The other thing is about making my games as fast as possible, the easiest way, concentrating more on the game rather than on the programming, thats why i was searching for engines and found this one.
Im not interested in super-graphics, mi goal is not to follow the general game designs of fps or strategy games and all thats, i want to make original games, with descent presentation so they can be well recieved.
The other engines i have seen are the Ogre, and Q engines, i just looked at the features and are as nice as this engines, but i prefer the engines that can run on almost any computer.
Well, from the experience i have had with game makers is that they dont allow you to do exactly what you want and how you want to do it, thats why i want the most freedom no matter what i have to learn, thats why i decided to learn c++ wich i havent used too much because i dont have where to apply the knowledge i have adquired, but i have learned a lot about it. The other thing is about making my games as fast as possible, the easiest way, concentrating more on the game rather than on the programming, thats why i was searching for engines and found this one.
Im not interested in super-graphics, mi goal is not to follow the general game designs of fps or strategy games and all thats, i want to make original games, with descent presentation so they can be well recieved.
Thanks for the replys.
Im not interested in super-graphics, mi goal is not to follow the general game designs of fps or strategy games and all thats, i want to make original games, with descent presentation so they can be well recieved.
The other engines i have seen are the Ogre, and Q engines, i just looked at the features and are as nice as this engines, but i prefer the engines that can run on almost any computer.
Well, from the experience i have had with game makers is that they dont allow you to do exactly what you want and how you want to do it, thats why i want the most freedom no matter what i have to learn, thats why i decided to learn c++ wich i havent used too much because i dont have where to apply the knowledge i have adquired, but i have learned a lot about it. The other thing is about making my games as fast as possible, the easiest way, concentrating more on the game rather than on the programming, thats why i was searching for engines and found this one.
Im not interested in super-graphics, mi goal is not to follow the general game designs of fps or strategy games and all thats, i want to make original games, with descent presentation so they can be well recieved.
Thanks for the replys.