Another shot from my raytracer. This 300,000 poly model + reflections grinds my quad core down to a halt.
Heres a closer one with shadows and reflections on the car.
Now the reason the reflection is not 100% accurate is because I am using the smoothed normals to spawn the rays. It's possible to use per-face normals but then it will look faceted.
And here's how the reflection looks with a skydome:
This gets 4 fps on my quad core.
Last edited by BlindSide on Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
ShadowMapping for Irrlicht!: Get it here
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Does your screenshots have to do with irrlicht? You wrote "your raytracer".
Since this is intended to be picture of the month for irrlicht i don't think this stuff belongs here. Except its a irrlicht raytracer of course.
I don't want to sound harsh or anything but its how i see it.
We're programmers. Programmers are, in their hearts, architects, and the first thing they want to do when they get to a site is to bulldoze the place flat and build something grand. We're not excited by renovation:tinkering,improving,planting flower beds.
Awesome screenshots BlindSide, I love it. How portable is the raytracer? I'm guessing you're using multiple threads for the raytracing, is it Windows only or are you using boost?
It would be great to make this part of Irrlicht one day, if you'd allow it
I dunno I am a little greedy with this thing I haven't decided if and how I will release it yet.
How portable is the raytracer? I'm guessing you're using multiple threads for the raytracing
It should work on anything with floating point capabilities. It uses SSE intrinsics heavily but because I wrapper them in a friendly vector class, those can be disabled through a compile define. I've also recently implemented Intel's TBB for multithreaded rendering (Which runs on linux also), this can also be disabled through a compile define. Mind you it will run alot slower with these 2 things disabled though.
Maybe I should make a separate topic about this, I just never feel it's "ready" for the unveiling you know?
ShadowMapping for Irrlicht!: Get it here
Need help? Come on the IRC!: #irrlicht on irc://
hey never said it doesn't look awesome and if its a driver mod for irrlicht and released its perfect for the screen of the month.
seriously nicely done BlindSide even if the todays hardware is not ready to make this usefull for realtime apps.
We're programmers. Programmers are, in their hearts, architects, and the first thing they want to do when they get to a site is to bulldoze the place flat and build something grand. We're not excited by renovation:tinkering,improving,planting flower beds.
@blindside your screenshots from your raytracer look AWESOME!
p.s. clip planes are enabled, what glitch did you see in the screenshot ?
@bitplane yes the meshes ( terrain & water ) are not very dense and thus their intersection may have some not-so-smooth ( aka sharp ) lines , but in the application it's almost not noticeable as everything moves ( water-mesh vertices animation ). hence it looks worse in screenshots
p.s. seeing the screenshot again i should have enabled antialiasing as well ( i don't usually use it because my gfx card sucks )
bitplane wrote:Not really a worthy candidate for screenshot of the month, and the mesh is obviously not my work.
The picture shows a high resolution PLY file from a Cyberware head scanner. There is no texture map, it's all done with vertex colours from the raw scan data (though the loader supports UV maps)
Edit: This is the console device with its own font running Burning's Video driver underneath
To enable it in 1.6/SVN, just uncomment the _IRR_USE_CONSOLE_DEVICE_ line in IrrCompileConfig.h
awesome, and with vertex color, but... is a scanner. has no merit.
I prefer a think more simplest but done by hand.
sorry for my English
pd: jajaja the "render console mode" is very funny
Landsacape created with EarthSculptor, uses irrKlang for 3D Sound ^_^
Created with irrEdit
They are all created with irrLicht.
Well I know that it is nothing special but, i'm sure you can use it to say "after one hour of reading the easy to read tutorials this is what you can get" well soemthing like that ^_^ as it dident take long to create these. I've only started useing the engine the other week.
Well thats my submissions for this month, next month they will be better ^_^
Although this has been posted a while ago in another thread, I'll add it to the list, so that it can support Irrlicht
However, as this is not a single screenshot, but a collage of three, which should be seen as a whole: Is this counted as one screenshot or as three? Since it should be seen as one and not ripped into parts (because of the nature of that image, not that I desperately need two more submission possibilities for this month).