Turn to target in 3D

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Turn to target in 3D

Post by arras »

This tutorial shows how to turn node towards target given node rotation and position.

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| Turn to target tutorial                                                      |
| author: arras                                                                |
| date:   06.02.2009                                                           |
|                                                                              |
| use arrow keys + PgUp/PgDn or A,D,S,W,E,C keys to move target around         |

#include <irrlicht.h>
using namespace irr;

// return relative position of target given origin and rotation
core::vector3d<f32> getRelativePosition(const core::vector3d<f32> &origin, const core::vector3d<f32> &rotation, const core::vector3d<f32> &target)
   core::matrix4 m;

   core::vector3d<f32> relative = target - origin;

   return relative;

// return relative position of target given node position and rotation
core::vector3d<f32> getRelativePosition(scene::ISceneNode *node, const core::vector3d<f32> &target)
   node->updateAbsolutePosition(); //this will update AbsoluteTransformation of node
   core::matrix4 m = node->getAbsoluteTransformation();

   core::vector3d<f32> relative = target - node->getPosition();

   return relative;

// use above functions to rotate node towards target
// rotation is done around local X and Y axis of node not global axis, if you want
//    different behavior you need to code it yourself
// code is susceptible to gimbal lock
void rotateTo(scene::ISceneNode *node, f32 speed, const core::vector3df &target)
   core::vector3df pos = getRelativePosition(node, target);
   core::vector3df rot = pos.getHorizontalAngle();

   if(rot.X <= 180 && rot.X > speed) rot.X = speed;
   if(rot.X > 180 && rot.X < 360 - speed) rot.X = -speed;

   if(rot.Y <= 180 && rot.Y > speed) rot.Y = speed;
   if(rot.Y > 180 && rot.Y < 360 - speed) rot.Y = -speed;

   core::matrix4 m;
   m.setRotationDegrees( node->getRotation() );

   core::matrix4 m2;

   m *= m2;

   node->setRotation( m.getRotationDegrees() );

// just detects keyboard input
class MEventReceiver : public IEventReceiver
   bool Left;
   bool Right;
   bool Up;
   bool Down;
   bool Forward;
   bool Back;


      Left = false;
      Right = false;
      Up = false;
      Down = false;
      Forward = false;
      Back = false;

   virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent &event)
		if(event.EventType == irr::EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT)
            case KEY_RIGHT: Right = event.KeyInput.PressedDown; break;
            case KEY_LEFT: Left = event.KeyInput.PressedDown; break;

            case KEY_UP: Forward = event.KeyInput.PressedDown; break;
            case KEY_DOWN: Back = event.KeyInput.PressedDown; break;

            case KEY_PRIOR: Up = event.KeyInput.PressedDown; break;
            case KEY_NEXT: Down = event.KeyInput.PressedDown; break;

            case KEY_KEY_D: Right = event.KeyInput.PressedDown; break;
            case KEY_KEY_A: Left = event.KeyInput.PressedDown; break;

            case KEY_KEY_W: Forward = event.KeyInput.PressedDown; break;
            case KEY_KEY_S: Back = event.KeyInput.PressedDown; break;

            case KEY_KEY_E: Up = event.KeyInput.PressedDown; break;
            case KEY_KEY_C: Down = event.KeyInput.PressedDown; break;

            default: break;

         return true;
		return false;

	bool leftPressed(){return Left;}
	bool rightPressed(){return Right;}

	bool forwardPressed(){return Forward;}
	bool backPressed(){return Back;}

	bool upPressed(){return Up;}
	bool downPressed(){return Down;}

} Receiver;

// moves node around scene given commands detected by receiver
void control(scene::ISceneNode *node, f32 speed)
   if(Receiver.leftPressed()) node->setPosition(node->getPosition() + core::vector3df(0,0,-speed));
   if(Receiver.rightPressed()) node->setPosition(node->getPosition() + core::vector3df(0,0,speed));

   if(Receiver.forwardPressed()) node->setPosition(node->getPosition() + core::vector3df(-speed,0,0));
   if(Receiver.backPressed()) node->setPosition(node->getPosition() + core::vector3df(speed,0,0));

   if(Receiver.upPressed()) node->setPosition(node->getPosition() + core::vector3df(0,speed,0));
   if(Receiver.downPressed()) node->setPosition(node->getPosition() + core::vector3df(0,-speed,0));

int main()
   IrrlichtDevice *device = createDevice(video::EDT_OPENGL,
      core::dimension2d<s32>(640, 480), 16, false, false, false, &Receiver);

   device->setWindowCaption(L"Irrlicht Vzor");

   video::IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver();
   scene::ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager();

   // add arrow to the scene which will represent object rotating towards target
   scene::IMesh *mesh = smgr->addArrowMesh("arrow", video::SColor(180,255,0,0),
      video::SColor(180,0,0,255), 4,8, 20,15, 0.5f,1 )->getMesh(0);
   // arrow mesh points along Y axis originaly we have to change that
   core::matrix4 m;
   smgr->getMeshManipulator()->transformMesh(mesh, m);
   scene::ISceneNode *node = smgr->addMeshSceneNode(mesh);
   node->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);

   // target marker
   mesh = smgr->addSphereMesh("sphere", 1)->getMesh(0);
   smgr->getMeshManipulator()->setVertexColors(mesh, video::SColor(255,255,0,0));
   scene::ISceneNode *target = smgr->addMeshSceneNode(mesh);
   target->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);

   // camera
   smgr->addCameraSceneNode(0, node->getPosition()+core::vector3df(20,20,-20),node->getPosition());

      driver->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor(0,200,200,200));

      control(target, 0.01f); // set diferent speed if its too fast/slow
      rotateTo(node, 0.01f, target->getPosition()); // set diferent speed if its too fast/slow




   return 0;
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Post by Vandrick »

ArcTan does it for you and its fast.

core::vector3df LookAt(core::vector3df Pos1, core::vector3df Pos2)
core::vector3df Rot;
float X; float Y;
X = Pos1.X - Pos2.X ;
Y = Pos1.Z - Pos2.Z ;
Rot.Y = (irr::f32)((atan2(X, Y) * 180 / PI2) + 180);
return Rot;
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Post by arras »

Your function returns rotation only in horizontal plane. You still need vertical. Besides getHorizontalAngle() use atan2() to compute that. Look at the sources: vector3d<T> getHorizontalAngle() const
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Post by Vandrick »

Ah thats good to know. Sorry for the miss help.

The reason my Rotation only returns a 2d Rotation is because I use it to have one npc chase another. If they start looking up and down with a 3rd Rotation it would look silly.
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Post by trivtn »

I've used it in control my Character, It worked wonderful. Thank!
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Post by arras »

I am glad it helps :)
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Post by trivtn »

Yes ! Here my result. Thanks!
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Post by arras »

Hey, looks great :) Good luck.
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Post by Virion »

the video looks cool hehe
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Post by trivtn »

Thank you !, I've improved my game project more. Thank arras! :lol: . And my next video :
There's something is fantastic, there's nothing is absolute.
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Post by arras »

Nice progress trivtn. Why didn't I see your project in Project Announcements? :)
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Post by trivtn »

Yes! After I've fininshed the my "Saving and Loading level ", I'll send it in Project Announcements. I'm trying this.
Thanks arras ! :lol:
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Post by BlindSide »

Is your project in D3D or OGL? I think I can fix that lighting problem, you need to adjust the light's attenuation after you create it.
ShadowMapping for Irrlicht!: Get it here
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Post by trivtn »

Thank BlindSide!. I've download your Shadow Map. I like it :lol:
-My game does't use any addin effect. I'll use it in Funture.
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Post by tonic »

Here's one version of finding rotation degrees to look at or face another node. Just posting here in case somebody has problems with the lookat /facing stuff and wants to try different solutions.

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irr::core::vector3df gIrrGetLookAtRotationDegreesLH(const irr::core::vector3df &from, const irr::core::vector3df &target)
    const core::vector3df upVector(0, 1, 0);
    core::matrix4 m, m2;
    m.buildCameraLookAtMatrixLH(from, target, upVector);
    if (m.getInverse(m2))
        return m2.getRotationDegrees();
        core::vector3df v = target - from;
        if (v.Y < 0)
            return core::vector3df(90, 0, 0);
            return core::vector3df(-90, 0, 0);
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