CEncryption.h: ASCII C++ program text, with CRLF line terminators
CNetManager.cpp: ASCII C program text, with CRLF, LF line terminators
CNetManager.h: ASCII C program text, with CRLF, LF line terminators
Makefile: ASCII make commands text, with CRLF, CR, LF line terminators
SPacket.cpp: ASCII C program text, with CRLF, LF line terminators
I'm also wondering, why you made it Irrlicht independent
If I wanted to do file sending through irrNetLite (files up to around a megabyte) should i send the file in chunks through multiple packets, or could I just lump the whole thing into a single packet? Would it be irresponsible to do so?
It would be best to send them in lumps of something like 20kb, but there's nothing stopping you from sending the whole file at once I suppose. There's no limit to the packet size. Also remember, you shouldn't send a string for that purpose as they use a 16-bit integer for storing the size, instead passing the data directly on the packet initialization is best.
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const c8* Data = TempOP.getData();
size_t Size = TempOP.getSize();
for (size_t i=0; i<Size; ++i)
OP << Data[i];
Generated Documentation for BlindSide's irrNetLite. "When I heard birds chirping, I knew I didn't have much time left before my mind would go." - clinko
First UDP is not to intend to be used for filetransfer and enet neither. Second splitting packet is not needed because enet does by itselfs. But im not sure if enet will get stucked for some seconds if you try to send bigger packets.
That's why I suggested splitting, because if you send 1 mb just like that it would halt the program for quite a while, also I already mentioned in my post that enet splits packets automatically.
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im using IrrNetLite for the first time, looks great!
When i try example 2 it fails to send strings with white space the server prints only the first word...
When i debug message it says bad pointer
Ban doesn't work in any case
206 // Take the input.
207 std::string message;
208 std::cin >> message;
better use std::getline(std::cin, message); for such things.
Generated Documentation for BlindSide's irrNetLite. "When I heard birds chirping, I knew I didn't have much time left before my mind would go." - clinko
The server normally doesn't take a long time to check this, it's only if you use a console app like the demos and then close the console, then the client does not get a chance to disconnect properly. If the client deletes the net manager then it will properly severe the connection.
Not sure why ban is not working for you, can I see some source code that demonstrates this problem?
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The problem with the ping is that it is averaged out over a few seconds, so it can take some time to stabilize, I doubt there is much you can do without modifying the Enet sources directly.
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That grouping thing was already mentioned, I guess I have to add it in to the next version.
About long, what compiler/arch are you using? Are you compiling for 64-bit systems?
"long" is a pretty ambigous type as alot of systems it's typical synonymous to an int but in this case I suppose it's a 64-bit int like "s64". If I'm not handling s64/u64 I'll have to add it in later but you can add it in yourself just copy the implementation for "f64" (double) and change all f64 to long, it should work pretty much the same if they are the same size. Just make sure of the size on your systems using sizeof(long), you may want to use less ambiguous types such as int64, etc because you'll run into trouble if you're communicating with a 32-bit system.
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