Other Java 3D engines

Discussion about Irrlicht's Java wrapper
Posts: 33
Joined: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:16 pm

Post by SSG »

About pure Java 3D engines being slower because they perform more JNI calls: That's just not true. JNI becomes slow when you pass java object references as parameters, because all that has to be "unpacked" on the native side. Native calls involving only primitives (such as JOGL) are much faster because the parameters are ready to use on the native side.
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Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2009 3:57 am

Post by ivo.koga »

Sudi wrote:cAudio does the same^^
Don´t know if it´s off-topic, but i´m trying to collect all the Java 3D technologies and making a comparison. At first I created this:


I´m trying to collect all of them and doing the comparison.

If anyone wants to contribute, please mail me.

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